So I was making some crazy custom shit last night and...

…I gorilla glued my hands together :doh: I had to sleep with latex gloves on so nothing would stick to my hands when I was sleeping (could have been painfull :wackit: ) Now this morning I have no feeling in my hands and they’re glazed over. Does anyone know a good way to remove glue from your hands without sanding away at the skin? I hope my hand sdont fall off :scared:

turpentine? nail polish remover? paint thinner? don’t take my word for it though… i don’t know how any of those will chemically react with the glue.

as for the feeling in your hands, one time i got aircraft paint remover all over my hands and it took three weeks to get the feeling back…

uuuuuuummmm have you looked into the market for new hands?


:bowrofl: :bowrofl: …Spilled wood bleach on my hands once, thought no biggie. Wash it off and OMG my hands turned snow white (like casper the frigin ghost). Pretty trippy shit :scared:

Hands. I can get you hands. Whats your skin pigment content? I know a guy… Puerto Rican, I can do $500 a pop. Or if you see some you like, I can get them for you at an additional cost.

get a sos pad and use paint thinner:

your hands will be dry for few days, no big deal.

to get glue off you need, 1 gal of deisel fuel, 1 quart of 10w40 1 pint of draino, and a torch.

  1. pour entire contents of oil and draino into 1 gal of fuel, mix well till becomes thick.
  2. after the contents have reached the thickness you like pour all of the contents over the hands.
  3. use torch and cook hands to 450 degrees F for 12 mins or until golden brown.

You are such a queer. :zzz: :zzz:

atleast you werent jacking off and glued your hands to your dick

your skin regenerates completly every so often. My suggestion would be to soak them in fairly hot water during you relaxation time over the next few days. Either that, or bust out the solvents and have at it. Or look for a number on the back of the product and give it a call, hell it might even have instructions on what to do if something like this happens.

yes many more retards have done this :bowrofl:

Dude I would go to the hospital and make sure it didn;t do further damage since your skin does absorb stuff like this. You could have nerve damage or somthing more…

and yes other retards have done this so don;t think you are the first



But seriosly you better go get checked especially since it was like that over night…

on the other hand (no pun intended), if you were to lose the feeling in one of your hands, it would be like getting a handjob all the time when you are jerkin it…