I have a life changing conundrum

Dear shift518,

As I was sitting here discussing the intricacies or changing the faucet of a kitchen sink with my slant eyed asian friend here I was enblugended with a sudden conundrum.

If a man were to substitute his fellow peasants sexual performance enhancing lubricant with oh say superglue gel what would occur?

a. There would be a burning and stinging sensation for his fellow mans prok sword and his sloar companions warm flesh pocket but not bonding due to the moisture level of said flesh pocket.

b. Said peenor of the unsuspecting peasant would become permanently bonded to the lower pound pouch of that nights random skeeze.

If anyone has expirience with this situation feedback on the subject would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You

Pic semi related

To answer… in short… yes, yes they are

what the fuck are you talking about?

Translated to the best of my ability.

If you replaced somebody’s lube with glue… would their dick stick to the girl’s vagina or not.

It’s actually a trick question if the lube owner owns a Camaro… because if he did, he wouldn’t have the lube in the first place.





Lance… :rofl

idk what the fuck that says… was to busy staring at the picture:bowdown

thank u mr fizzle

Keep in mind, many “Superglue” type glues, bond to skin contact instantly. :ahh

Yeah my theory involves the labia, or closest dry spot to the hole, findong the closest glue spot to the penis, hilarity to follow.

i dont think u would get stuck together unless u in some dry ass pussy

benny try it

ok brb



haha sooo is that nws orrrr?

Im not quite sure…:rofl

who still wears their sneakers while having sex