
today at work i got some insanely corrosive griddle cleaning fluid on my forearm…

i washed the shit off in less than twenty seconds, but i have a huge pink mark on my skin and it feels like my arm is on fire…


been there sucks dont it ! lol one time i spilled some corrosive shit on my arm hair didnt grow for months after it fell out

Originally posted by Silver_WS6
been there sucks dont it ! lol one time i spilled some corrosive shit on my arm hair didnt grow for months after it fell out

the only thing that ever burned more than this is the day i got aircraft paint remover on my hands and chunks of my flesh fell off for days and i had no feeling other than burning in my hands for a few weeks

on a side note…should a wisdom tooth be growing out of the roof of my mouth?

dunno but i am getting my wisdom tooth out thursday morning… should be interesting

Originally posted by whitey
dunno but i am getting my wisdom tooth out thursday morning… should be interesting

IB Hilarious threads started by Whitey when he’s all hopped up on painkillers

Originally posted by Darkstar
IB Hilarious threads started by Whitey when he’s all hopped up on painkillers

i went and got the Vicoden today… i felt weird. then i realized shit i am really supposed to have this shit… they gave me 12 pills for 1 tooth that will probably not even hurt…

Originally posted by whitey
i went and got the Vicoden today… i felt weird. then i realized shit i am really supposed to have this shit… they gave me 12 pills for 1 tooth that will probably not even hurt…

Dr. Darkstar says take 2 of those, and drink a couple beers, and call me in the morning.


Originally posted by Darkstar
Dr. Darkstar says take 2 of those, and drink a couple beers, and call me in the morning.


If you wake up…lol

Originally posted by Sight N Sound
If you wake up…lol

nah, whiteys liver would laugh at that shit. He’s been exercising it every thursday night for years…

Originally posted by Darkstar
nah, whiteys liver would laugh at that shit. He’s been exercising it every thursday night for years…


not that much anymore… i am trying to take it easy on the liver… like this whole living a long life thing to much… sorry for hijacking your thread blanyer

Originally posted by whitey
not that much anymore… i am trying to take it easy on the liver… like this whole living a long life thing to much… sorry for hijacking your thread blanyer

no need to appologize you won the site and can post what ever and where ever you want :smiley:

Originally posted by whitey
i went and got the Vicoden today… i felt weird. then i realized shit i am really supposed to have this shit… they gave me 12 pills for 1 tooth that will probably not even hurt…

i’d better get more than twelve… i’m a big fucking pussy when it comes to tooth/sinus/head pain.

i didn’t use mine, but i don’t like taking stuff i don’t have to. Motrin did the trick.

Originally posted by whitey
i went and got the Vicoden today… i felt weird. then i realized shit i am really supposed to have this shit… they gave me 12 pills for 1 tooth that will probably not even hurt…
oh its sore. you will look like a chipmunk and not be able to open your mouth much at all. wait till the stitches START to dissolve and pieces of them hang down and just touch your tounge. they are soo annoying, so i cut mine out.

Blayner- thats stupid, why corrosive cleaner on a griddle that cooks food. dont make much sense, at wrok our shit isnt corrosive and works great

Originally posted by BlkP42E
Blayner- thats stupid, why corrosive cleaner on a griddle that cooks food. dont make much sense, at wrok our shit isnt corrosive and works great

every resturant i’ve ever worked at uses GrillBrite or something similar. It gets everything off of the grill…makes it look brand new. Then we clean the grill with non-corrosive shit. Then we coat the grill in water (with the grill on) and as the water boils, we scrape it off into the trap.

i remember we used to use lemon juice on our grill that shit worked good

Originally posted by Cutty
i didn’t use mine, but i don’t like taking stuff i don’t have to. Motrin did the trick.


Taco’s sister had her teeth out and didnt use her drugs either. They sat on his kitchen table for over a year…

And then they, um… went away.

god damn thieving daegos

we use a shit called scotch brite, turn off grill, put it on, use a grill brick to scrape it a little, then pour water on and scrape it off. grill comes out brand new