Tooth Whitener

Who’s used them? If so, please weigh in with Your impressions.

I quite smoking a pack/day about a month ago. Time to make 11 years of stains go away.

Any input appreciated.



Pic’s of teeth are OKAY.

Night Effects ftw

i just started crest whitestrips 2 days ago and i see results allready … :tup:

with coffee & cigarette stains?

a friend of mine used those when she (temporarily) quit smoking, I didn’t see too many gains after a full 2(?) weeks.

granted, everyone has a different composition, but that’s why I ask.

Just go to a dentist and have some trays made.
Some of the off the shelf stuff can cause sensitivity. A dentist will have several different kinds of whitening material so that if you experience sensitivity, you can get a weaker mixture. Turbo, Zoom, and Vivastyle are good brands that a lot of dentists use.

Or you can just use the Crest strips if you don’t want to pay for the professional stuff.

oops…i drink coffee but i dont have any stains…mybad

…and i only smoke when i drink so obviously i dont have cigarette stains

I already have some sensitivity (cold)… so that’s probably a good thing to mention.

my brother-in-law has used the crest strips before with good results. he doesn’t smoke, but he drinks a lot of coffee. fyi those strips are $25-30/box.

Whitening certainly won’t help sensitivity then. You are basically oxidizing the enamel which breaks apart the staining agents. But at the same time you are opening up tooth structure that has been covered for probably years.


crest white strips all the way… then use that listerine whitening pre-rinse to maintain it… my smile glows :slight_smile:

The sensitivity goes away, dont worry about what everyone else says. I had trays made at the dentist, and had the professional whitening, and they told me it makes some people really sensitive, and some people it barely effects. Well my teeth hurt like a motha fucka for a couple days after I did it each time, but it goes away in a couple days.

Dentist recommended just using the white strips, but I had free dental money from work, so i did the pricey one… heh.

You can also get floride from the dentist that you can rinse with after brushing for about a week, and that will help minimize the sensitivity.

:tup: guys.

i used the colgate (i think thats the one) paint on shit… where you have to smile for like 60 sec. i give it a 7 outta 10

True sensitivity will go away after a few days…sometimes.
Like you said some people are affected and some aren’t. At the same time some sensitivity goes away right away, and some doesn’t.

If you experience sensitivity, I would stop using whatever product you use and see how long it lasts. If it goes away quickly then continue use. If it doesn’t go away quickly then its up to you to continue use as long as you can take the sensitivity for the amount of time it will last.

My gf used the whitestrips and she ended up throwing 3/4 of the package out because her teeth got to sensitive. However, like others have said, ‘everyone is different’ so maybe you won’t have that problem.

I’ll start up (prolly this weekend) w/Strips and we’ll see how it goes.


I have friends who are dentists / cosmetic dentists. They recomend trying the strips first and documenting the results. If you don’t see an improvment, then ask about pro-whitening. To really compare change the best, just put the strips on your top teeth to begin with. After a few aplications, just smile and compare them to the bottoms :tup:

i bought a football mouth guard from a sporting goods store then mixed colgate whitening toothpaste (60%), liquid bleach (15%), Pepto-bismol (15%) to help counteract the bleach incase you swallow some, and the rest a couple drops of mint extract to help with the taste and some baking flour to thicken up the mixture so it doesn’t leak out of the mouthguard. Then just stick it in my mouth overnite and thats it.