removing stains on teeth?

yeah… so I’m a smoker (I know, I should quit).

I floss and brush regularly but I’ve aquired a stain on my front tooth and the one next to it from smoking. it just looks like shit and looks like I have a piece of food or something stuck in ma teef. Quite nasty actually.

anyway, does anyone know of a way/product to remove stains short of getting them bleached at the dentist? like I said, the stain is kind of off to the side of my tooth (where it meets the other tooth) so I dont think the crest white strips would work all that great.


dont quit smoking. get those white stripes by crest. they work. and my dentist told me if u spit while ur smoking the tar has less of a chance to stay on the teeth cuz the spit going over it. gl hf

go to the dentist and have em bleached… its expensive, but u will not get better/faster results

or crest white strips, but they hurt my teeth and take time

i would recommend not smoking?

seriously, those whitening things mess your teeth up after a while. I have sensitive teeth and i can’t use them.

getting them beached is your only option.

i had shit stains on mine…

bleaching ftw

YEA Jon i am still sorry for that

.016" carbon wire brush cup, @ 15,000 RPM oughta clean 'em nice, and gets rid of any excessive gums too.

just pull it out, and say u live in a trailer

do what i did.

get porcelian veneers.


the lady’s will love your perfect teeth.

honestly…thats the first thing people say to me…is my teeth are great.

i just don’t tell them, they are fake.

I’m not sure how the store bought strips will affect your teeth. If you have a spot discoloration, it may bleach the whiter part of the tooth and the spot but there will always be a difference in shade.

There are a few good over the counter kits that have come out recently. I don’t know for sure if you will still experience the same discoloration just a little lighter. I know a lotdentists so I could find out for you.

Really though, your best bet is to go to the dentist and have them bleach your teeth. Its a little more expensive but the dentist can control the intensity of the whitener so you will not experience sensitivity. That is the problem with the over the counter systems. They work, but sometime are a little too strong.

If you do go to a dentist, don’t let them talk you into laser whitening. It really don’t do anything. Its the same process as regular whitening except they shine a light on your teeth. People think that the light does the whitening but its really just the gel on your teeth. The light warms the gel and theoretically makes it work better. Point is, if you go that route, you pay more because your dentist had to pay more to get that equipment.

Why did you get veneers? Aren’t you like 19?
You do realize that those have to be replaced every 10 years or so right?

jay, that would be awesome if you could ask for me. just tell him that you know someone looking to get rid of small stains without going thru the dentist and see what he says. I appreciate it man :tup:

thanks for the responses peeps :tup:

that tar-gone mouthwash worked pretty good for me. i just stopped using it cause im lazy. i have the same thing as you, i only smoke on one side of my mouth. i cant believe chicks still want to make out with me, seriously. its gross.

seriously it is gross.

i got veneers because my front teeth are fake, due to many accidents when i was younger, and a bunch of hockey mishaps.

and no mine don’t have to be replaced every 10 years. maybe every 20.

the porcelin is stronger than normal enamel.

and what per say are you smoking? :wink:

I recently had my teeth laser whitened at a dentist in hamburg. They were running a special. $350.00. I will never ever be laser whitening my teeth again. The pain was flat out unbearable and i had to lay in bed with my face barried into my pillow for about 10hrs. I didnt get to eat for a whole day because i was so nautious from the pain. But i guess in the grand sheme of things it was worth it since now my teeth are a little whiter.

I had to use one of my sick days because it felt like my face got kicked in.:frowning:

crest whitestrips FTW… I chew, A LOT, and my teeth are real white thanks to those little strips.