Any Exterminators?

Anyone on the board an exterminator? I have cash for someone to come over and rid my house of the fleas that my mom’s fucking cat brought home. My mom’s a dumb fucking hippie and she thinks vacuuming and herbal bullshit is going to get rid of them, but I want my house filled with poison ASAP!! My family is out of town on vacation until tomorrow night, so if someone can come in and de-flea the place with beautiful, beautiful poison before they get home, I’ll pay cash on the spot and make you any decals you want.

sounds more like an attempted homicide to me

flea poison? it’ll air out before they get back.

but i might kill the cat.


i like the plate of water with the flourescent light above it that your mom has set up in the basement…water and light bulbs > * when it comes to killing fleas and other household vermin… :rofl: