Anyone know/work for a pest control company?

I need some work done on my house. I’ve got mice that I just can’t get rid of. They are somehow working their way thru my attic and dropping down to my first floor (I live in a ranch style house). Anyone that can give me any information or knows of anyone, it would be greatly appreciated. This is the first time I’ve gone thru anything like this.

get a cat…my old boss knows someone so i will ask him

I’m allergic to cats. I’ve thought about borrowing my grandma’s cat, but I won’t be able to sleep because of the fur.

And my damn beagles, they love hunting bunnies and squirrels but not mice and rats.

want to borrow dodger? i walked out in the yard the other day to see him flipping a mole up in the air about 10feet over and over again :rofl: