3rd time this mouse has gotten into our apartment First 2 times I was laughing to much to take pictures. I hear my cats tear off into the back room making lots of noise & i hear squeeking too. I find my female cat with the mouse in her mouth. I bust out laughing, she wont drop it. I scramble for the camera, she eventually drops it in the living room. Hilarity ensues with me trying to get the mouse into something so I can get it out of the apartment bc I dont need it tearing up the new couch(last time it went under it). Last 2 times it bailed off our 2nd story porch with my cats in hot pursuit.
The cats just like to smack it around a whole bunch The female was pissed i made her drop it, she was growling and shit. She probably wouldnt have ate it but rather played with it.
Hiding behind the drapery
Little one gets him out
Backed into a corner
Cliffs: 3rd time there is amouse in my apartment, cats chase it. I eventually get it on a crate, it clings on for life shivering as I take it accross the street.