So my cat dragged home a squirrel

he fricken ate half of it already.
had to get rid of the rest of it…

the garbage men are going to hate me lol

You make threads about everything that happens in your life??

How full was the can that you could only fit half of a squirrel in it?

my guess is he did that on purpose

whoop dee fucking do,my cat does that all the time,atleast the cat didnt eat ur half!

lol thats all thats left to the squirrel


cats are for pussies.


poor lil guy. it is funny though. take bets on the garbage men taking pics of it on their cell phones…lol

I was sitting in the living room one day eating and I hear a mouse squealing… I look outside and my cat is in the process of digging into this mouse, ripped it in half, and ate the fucking thing… That’s pretty crazy.

On a bright side, at least he’s not leaving them at the front door for me to step on, and he’s shits it out outside.

my cats when i was little would bring home all sorts of strange shit. their favorite was always rabbits though.

Yeah mine is big on rabbits… He comes back with a real proud walk and a fucking baby rabbit in his mouth still squirming.

thats a funny pic!

I shoulda taken pics, but my brothers Pit murdered a ground hog, the hog had to be 35lbs, at least!

Wills cat is obsessed with birds. She like our personal rooster…she get up at the crack of dawn and sits on your face to wake you up to let her out before the birds start their morning chirp session.

cats are weird.


i have no idea where Western PA gets the reputation of being full of rednecks.

Your welcome

It’s all those hillbillies from Kittanning giving us the bad name.

I had an awesome cat when I was younger. He was an outside cat and would catch all sorts of little rodents, birds, rabbits, chipmunks, etc. In the colder months he came inside and was a regular house cat. I also had a hamster that had a habit of getting out of the cage. One morning I came downstairs and the cat was in the corner of the bathroom acting funny and kept jumping towards the opposing wall… it turns out that he had caught the hamster in the corner and was not letting it go. Kind of guarding it until one of us would pick it up and put it away. I found him doing this on at least a dozen occasions before we got a new cage. Kind of weird considering if that hamster was outside it would of been without a head in about 2 seconds. The cat also caught mice and moles that had managed to come inside - but never hurt the hamster.

that’s because cats actually have a brain, unlike dogs. :smiley: