So my cat dragged home a squirrel

you sir are a pussy

usually it wont hurt anything with its masters smell since you handle the hampster it smells like you so the cat knows not to hurt it… understand?.. sort of like my mom raises birds, the cats and dogs know not to hurt them because they have the human scent. where as the birds outside are completely wild and have no human scent… thats why your cat wouldnt hurt your hampster… animals are really smart

my girlfriend does the same trhing sometimes

the king of the jungle is not a lame ass dog, it’s a badass cat. :smiley:

and yes, comparing a housecat to a lion makes perfect sense. :):):slight_smile:

I almost forgot that this is the same wacked out forum that honestly believes a house cat can beat up a Pitbull.

I want a mountain lion as a pet

I could see it happening, my neighbor’s retired racing greyhound got out one day and went after the first furry thing it seen, which was one of my cats. the one thats all prissy and she hardly leaves the yard. well she kicked the living shit out of that dog and nearly killed him… she got his jugular vein and they had to rush him to the animal hospital

is a greyhound a pittbull? no.

you retard. Great story.


a cat couldn’t even begin to manage that fight.

dogs are too damn slow compared to a cat. I say the cat would fuck up the dog. :smiley:

Dont you know how dangerous they are it could easily kill yo… Who can we get a mountain lion from for Jeff???

My cat is pretty nuts, but the right temper for a dog and my cat would be that day’s meal…

Dog>Cat in the fight.

But following the cat family, pretty much anything other than a cat would completely destroy a dog.

cats are for faggots

how many cats do you have?

I don’t even have a pit but I couldn’t see a cat beating it in a fight…
She’s eats small animals in a single bite.

um . yeah. 328 posts. im sorry i struck a nerve. fag.

haha ouch


i dont think i would mess with this [ame=“”]MySpaceTV Videos: a mad lynx by Steven[/ame]

cats remind me of women. attack you over simple things while playing around