Singh presents to you-pussy, Ticonderoga style!

So on the way back from MD Mon night/Tuesday AM, I picked up Singh. We got to my house and we were all mad tired and shit and my dad strolls out and was like ‘I’ve got a surprise’ and me and Singh are like WTF!!! He comes back like 2 minutes later with a cat’s kennel deal, and he said that my mom heard faint meows from the back part of the house like a week earlier. Well, it turns out that a kitten somehow made it’s way into some sort of barrel and could not get out, so they retrieved it and we now have 4 cats, ha.

Singh presenting it, haha

Feeding time, it’s too tiny for real cat food all the time!

Such a messy eater!

Cutest cat, evar.

win!!! so cute

Yea she’s cute, how old do u think it is

y is the brown kid going bald so young?


haha, that cat is awesome. good deed = win

Aww!! Kittens = so much win!

Awwww soo cute!

Ha I like cats. Puppies are fun but when they get older they are a pain. They slobber all over you like none other and it’s just a mess all together.


I want chinese food now.

God damnit

:rofl :rofl :rofl thats great

nice cat.

I was scurred to click this thread, not gonna lie.

Sweet cat though, I had some strays that we kept when I was a kid, turns out my dad was allergic to cats and we never knew till we had one.

Cutest cat ever win.

I want a cat. Someday Ill get one.