Singh and I in Ticonderoga....

Fucking Singh calls me at 3pm in a frantic state, telling me he just crashed his sled HARDCORE near my house, basically got 30ft of air because he didnt know the area HAHA. The damage does not look that bad on the tunnel to the casual observer, but trust me the sled is fucking TOTALLED.

So this is how the night started…30 rack of Natty+Daves CD. They actually played it at the bar!

Singh playing foosball…he beat the bar owner and he got PISSED. Fucking bitched about Singh ‘cheating’ all night LOL

I guess I thought her back tasted good?!11?

The first thing I told Singh and his brother that on the way back tonight, someone WILL fall on the ice. Turned out to be Singh…

This pic is NOT altered…HAHHAHAH!!

Apparently it was a great idea to stack as much into the microwave as possible.

And of course, he ends back up right where he started…

We are gonna have to do this again soon, McNasty!

This is funnier than I expected it be, Travis! :rofl :rofl :rofl


lol singh told me about that lol

sounds like a great time! i see a signiture head/hand stand

ah ty wally world. they must of loved all the comotion in there…

oh r we selling the sled now? what kind of skidoo is it. formula , mach , machz??? ;o lol

i need to buy some sledz so we can go ridin with you guys.

man looks like a fuckin kick ass time. singh you look wasted broski.

um lol

i got more pics of when i crashed/totalled the sled on saturday afternoon

was a crazy weekend, landed the sled so hard i bent the tunnel on it, put studs thru the heat exchanger, tweaked the front end to a point of wat the fuck…

then after all that and hours of pain travis came over and we got fucking blasted at the bar totally out of fucking control

then drifting in wallmart parking lot with the 4 door turbo diesel was just isnane son

good times !

OH and travis got the Dj to play my song WORD ! shit sounded tight !

wtf… i can’t belive I missed this shit…

well i can lol , ticonderoga isnt exactly down the block from you, or me

im gonna put some pics up in a few mins of this fucking jump i did

at least 25 feet i would say, idk i got alot of pics and pics of where my sled tracks left the ground to when they hit again LOL fucking nuts ! i prolly woulda cracked my face without a helmet for sure

i fuckin love this pic man

u cant see it but i had a NASTY slit on my palm cuz of the ice or something cut it open and i was holding it with my finger LOL the cut looks nasty tho now…

Crazy half indians and there hand stands

comon brah i know that u love it

the one at the rustynail was the best

Ticondaroga is for feathers, not dots.

Singhman, congrats on the the unveiling of the new song!

Now, just for insurance purposes, I wanted to be sure, the sled was actually stolen, not wrecked , right?!

Damn thieves.

ya idk they hotwired it , i got the key with me still :S

dude i was wearing a construction vest FTW