Any good bait stores around

now dat was a great bout, i have fond memories of catchin many a delicious bass on dat derr bout. and jasper knows da ole gas burnin motas like no other.

ahhh yea i furgot to tell ya guys about ralphy. I seen him down by the brad way market da oter day. der were a bunch a guys lookin at his car out in da parkin lot. I think they wanted to take his radio, ya kno dat new one he picked up wit da AM and the FM and that nice casset deck in der

hey newman i been down derr place by caz crick. got derr nice in early. let me tell yah, i caught bass like no otha. can’t wait to smoke em with da hickory. steve tried tah tell me to schmoke em with pine, but c’mon every juan knows to use the hickory

yea da pine is no good. ya cant smoke bass wit anyting udder den hikery.


what was he thinkin? he couldnt of been. who smokes a delicious bass with such an impure piece of wood as pine

everybady knows hickory is da only way to get the full flavor from dat bass

i cannot make any promises about this particular bass…


ot kinda: hey uhhh u guys wana come back to my apartment have a few drinks, i got some RLY sweet betas back at the crib

along with the OT: did u know the evo has 8 vortex generators…well it does yea there are 8 of um

ahh yeah, dem guys er always up tah no good. i’ve seen em once er twice oer that place andy mentioned by dah school. causin’ ruckus actin like a bunch of hoodlums i tell ya. i dun see why de always after us tryin’ tah take away whats good. one day durr gon get it, not sure by who but it gon happen

now i betcha if dem crooks got ahold of ralphs radio wit da am and da fm and the tape deck dey’d take it n put it right up on da ebay.

ya see i like dat ebay its a good place. No mattah what you need ya kno you ca find it for the cheapest price on da ebay.

ok now, carl told steves wife karron, that there radio has dem new anti theif potectors. ya know, the kind wit dem handles. You give her a tug and them there handles and the whole damned thing pops out. Now carl spilld them der bass eggs on the ol 8trac in ralph’s pick up, and fried the damn thing. we tried to pull the old pick up outa the ol watering hole, but blew a break line. carls real handy like and fixed hew up good as new. carl duc taped that there hole up and filled that der master break cylinder wit some old milwaukee beers stashed in da back of da truk. carl sais that all yu need is some beers and duct tape and you can fix just bout anyting.

de udda day i was down wif rick der at da hole, ya know, da one behind da sassage smokery? Anyway, rick was having a hell of a time hookin anytin worth a salt, so he’s all fired up because i keep hookin da big ones. i got a rock mout bass so delicios i had to give her a little lick just to be shur ya know? any ways, so i says to rick, what kinda gear ya got down der, so he says to me that he’s usin the ole 9 footer with a sevn sixteents shank nabber. i says well jesus rick, ders yer problem, i says, at bare minimum, ya gotta use 10 foot plus. and i also says ya should go down tommorow, real early and get some silva piped minnas, but ya gotta get der early. and den ya know he? he dun did dat and whadda ya know, he hooked da most delicious lookin bass i ever seen. we grilled it right der on da spot, still in our rubba’s 'n evertytin!

did ja use da hickory?! ya got tah use the hickory, best tastin’ bass eva!

daves on rt 5 in derby, webers on 5 in angola, millers just off 5 by sunset in irving if ya need anything else let me know

ah christ, ya cant use da shank nabber, no good no good. if ya aint gunna use da right minnas ur best is da tree eights twider bit. but yea, i took my buick down derr ta dat shop on thurdyif n main n dey tell me dey want five hunerd ta rebuild da goddamn rear end. so i says ta da guy i says, look i aint payin no five hunerd to get da rear end rebuilt, jerry down derr on fif street does um for tree hunerd, its crazy talk i says

way to ruin the thread.:tdown:

so i was over at matts house today, tellin stories wit da guys n just havin a good ol’ time. when all ud a sudden john came over. now let me tel ya bout john, he’s one crazy guy. blabbin bout one thing, correctin’ ya for duh utta and then once again repeatin himself bout everything he damn near just already gon’ repeated to ya. anyways, i was out derr in the yard just cleanin my rims, yeh know then john is like you’re doin dat all wrong. ya gotta get in der wit da brush, they never gon’ come clean unless ya use da brush. so i’s agree and just keep on cleanin’. well den john goes n tells us to head on up over to dat derr home depot, ya know, n get one ud dem powa washers. said it only be bout tirdy o fourtee bucks each and dat it’d do dah trick. now johns a good guy n all, but he just didnt know what was goin’ on. it was bout tree o clock in da afternoon and he was all ready boozed up so we’all just gon laughed silly at him and minded are bizzness. n let me tell ya, the rims never looked bettah!

yea i was down derr at da deepa da udder day, picked up a quart a nails, gallon a battries and a box a plywood

aw ya, dat home deepa gots errything ya cud ever use. i mean it aint no ebay, but it still got some good stuff

how bout dis… dat john guy… hes a good guy

the home deepa… dats a good place

i think dats why john ( a good guy) told us to use that particular hardware store