any good diet websites out there?

Not all meat is overly fattenning, but meats other than Turkey, Steak, Bison, Ostrich, Alligator, Seal… the list goes on :stuck_out_tongue: Have more than 5g of fat per 4oz raw serving and are thusly considered a “fatty cut of meat.” Beef is more filling because its in this group, and the leanets you can buy beef is 98/2 but its hard as hell to find around here. Maybe down there its different :stuck_out_tongue:

No carbs completely is absolutely stupid, I did misread your comment. My bad. The brain needs sugar to work, carbs are the first source the body looks to to find sugar, but will if necessary convert any other macronutrient and/or lean body mass into simple sugars given the correct circumstances. Ketosis or CKD(Atkins type diets) are good for the morbidly obese to start their rebound and shed some fat quick, but living on ketosis is not healthy.
