Any nutritionists here?

All the health sites that should have my answer are blocked from work, and I’ll probably forget to ask later.

In the past two or three months, I’ve been on a moderate low carb “diet”. “Diet” being I just have less sugar in everything I eat, thats it. I’ve lost around 16lbs, maybe more (been lifting too) and soon I will be working on cutting/eliminating ALL sugars.

SO, my question, is there any side effects to not having ANY carbs? I’ve still been consuming a healthy amount, especially during workouts, but are there any health concerns related to this (diabetes?) that I should consider or avoid? So far I’ve read it will hinder muscle growth, as your body will look in to using proteins as a source of fuel, but I’m not looking to bulk, just cut.

carbs are necessary for good nutrition and anyone that says otherwise is a fucking idiot.

Man has been living on bread, water, and milk for centuries… now all of a sudden bread has carbs and is “bad”. These people need to be punched in the face.

that aside it seems like you are on the right track. MODERATION is the key… not elimin ating things completely.

Actually there are “good” carbs and “bad” carbs as far as fat and weight loss is concerned.

I dropped 35lbs over winter in high school by limiting my diet to chicken, steak, protein bars, salad with no dressing, fruits, milk, and water along with hydroxycut and 5-htp. I wouldn’t cut all sugars out of your diet.

Eat 5 small meals a day to increase your metabolism. Eat when you wake up and right after your workout. Avoid eating and working out 2 hours within sleeping.


carbs are necessary for good nutrition and anyone that says otherwise is a fucking idiot.

Man has been living on bread, water, and milk for centuries… now all of a sudden bread has carbs and is “bad”. These people need to be punched in the face.

that aside it seems like you are on the right track. MODERATION is the key… not elimin ating things completely.


the carbs man has been eating for last 50 or so years are not the same. you not knowing this lets me call you the fucking idiot.
wet unprocessed carbs = good
refined and processed carbs = bad

there are also a lot of people with gluten allergies. this is because we were never meant to eat the shit we have been eating for the last few generations.
evolution doesn’t happen that quickly… man lived on meat and berries for a long time before he figured out how to make bread.

my sig is meant for people like you


the carbs man has been eating for last 50 or so years are not the same. you not knowing this lets me call you the fucking idiot.
wet unprocessed carbs = good
refined and processed carbs = bad

there are also a lot of people with gluten allergies. this is because we were never meant to eat the shit we have been eating for the last few generations.
evolution doesn’t happen that quickly… man lived on meat and berries for a long time before he figured out how to make bread.

my sig is meant for people like you


This guy is smart listen to him. Whole grain foods tend to have more of those good carbs and good ol fiber for zee poopin. I lost 50 lbs a few years ago by doing that with working out, then i stopped when i hurt my shoulder and stopped planning out my meals cause im just lazy.


This guy is smart listen to him. Whole grain foods tend to have more of those good carbs and good ol fiber for zee poopin.


no, im an idiot.

it was actually a twinky that adam and eve ate. it came from their local hostess outlet store :bloated:


no, im an idiot.

it was actually a twinky that adam and eve ate. it came from their local hostess outlet store :bloated:


i wasnt being sarcastic i was really making a point to say you’re smart… i just want to get in the sack with you.

Humans are the only mammals that drink milk beyond infancy. :eyebrow:

And the human head weighs 8 pounds.


Humans are the only mammals that drink milk beyond infancy. :eyebrow:

And the human head weighs 8 pounds.


thank you little ray


i wasnt being sarcastic i was really making a point to say you’re smart… i just want to get in the sack with you.


i know, but i just wanted to use that pic :slight_smile:


i know, but i just wanted to use that pic :slight_smile:


jolly good show sir

If you’re a medium build and just looking for more definition then you need a proper diet and very disciplined workout schedule


If you’re a medium build and just looking for more definition then you need a proper diet and very disciplined workout schedule


about 2 months in, started at 182, now 166, lift 3 times a week. First month was bulking, about a 3K calorie diet a day, consisting of 45/35/20 percent of protien/carb/fat. I lost weight and gained moderate muscle mass for the time spent.

Month two was continue lifting, about twice a week, and jogging 5-7 miles a week ( about 2 miles, 3x a week), with the same diet. This is where most of the weight so far came off (10ish)

This month I’d like to cut to define a shape. If you’d like, I posted progress pics(haven’t updated for about 2 weeks) on my myspace.

I think I have diet/exercise down pretty good for my standing, but should there be any drawbacks, health wise, for maintaining low glycogen levels over a period of say, 3-4 weeks, that’s what I’m looking to find out.

how are you getting 3k cals with such a low fat intake?


the carbs man has been eating for last 50 or so years are not the same. you not knowing this lets me call you the fucking idiot.
wet unprocessed carbs = good
refined and processed carbs = bad

there are also a lot of people with gluten allergies. this is because we were never meant to eat the shit we have been eating for the last few generations.
evolution doesn’t happen that quickly… man lived on meat and berries for a long time before he figured out how to make bread.

my sig is meant for people like you


let me add even a touch more on the subject.

everyone is different, or we would all be celiacs. your body will function just fine without carbs, unless you are a diabetic. then you will probably die, but you would have died in the past anyways (had it not been for modern meds). so you really don’t count. you probably shouldn’t even be aloud to vote. :slight_smile:

your body will use fat just as it has for a long ass time (however long we have been on this planet) for energy, just like other mammals.
do a google search and you will find all sorts of studies that have found a low starch/sugar/refined crap diet is healthy. oh wait… eating protein, healthy fats, and high fiber foods is good for you?!~!!!1 what will these crazy doctors say next?

oh, and then you will find a bunch of reports that say you NEED your complex carbs. take a look and see you did/funded the studies

As far as your cardio exercises are concered, do something different everyday. Run one day, ride a bike the next, swim another, row another day, shit like that. I used to run 5 miles a day, but then it started bothering my lower back, so then I would run on the grass or an eliptical machine since its much better on the joints. Trust me, your body will thank you later in life. I have cartilage damage in my knee, back problems, etc. from combination of sports injuries/bad habits and my accident.

I just looked at your pictures and your progress is comming along very well. I would up your protein intake and get a professional opinion lifting schedules.

Start reps at 10 for four weeks, then 8 for four weeks, then 5 for four weeks, then 3 for four weeks. A schedule like that incorporated with a good diet and cardio you should have very good results.


the carbs man has been eating for last 50 or so years are not the same. you not knowing this lets me call you the fucking idiot.
wet unprocessed carbs = good
refined and processed carbs = bad

there are also a lot of people with gluten allergies. this is because we were never meant to eat the shit we have been eating for the last few generations.
evolution doesn’t happen that quickly… man lived on meat and berries for a long time before he figured out how to make bread.

my sig is meant for people like you


I know all this but he specifically said ALL CARBS… with no reference to processed food so shove your sig

fucking interval training pwns.

my bro really got me into it lately

feeling great, def getting Very quick results :tup:

EDIT: jesus christ jack don’t clutter up this thread with bullshit


All the health sites that should have my answer are blocked from work, and I’ll probably forget to ask later.

In the past two or three months, I’ve been on a moderate low carb “diet”. “Diet” being I just have less sugar in everything I eat, thats it. I’ve lost around 16lbs, maybe more (been lifting too) and soon I will be working on cutting/eliminating ALL sugars.

SO, my question, is there any side effects to not having ANY carbs? I’ve still been consuming a healthy amount, especially during workouts, but are there any health concerns related to this (diabetes?) that I should consider or avoid? So far I’ve read it will hinder muscle growth, as your body will look in to using proteins as a source of fuel, but I’m not looking to bulk, just cut.


I have been doing the same thing. Eating less carbs, no soda, and watching the pasta and bread intakes. I am not a nutritionist and I have been in a nutrition class and carbs are essential to brain function but you can limit the amount you eat to what you use has always been my take.

If you are working out hard, running, etc. then you need more carbs than someone who sits in an office all day, goes home and watches tv and goes to bed. there are “good carbs” and sugars in fruits and other foods that break down different as far as I know that you can look into. Just make sure you are eating what you burn in a day.

I wish I would have seen this thread earlier.

Anyways, instead of listening to a bunch of schleps on this forum that may ( zd ) or may not ( others ) know what they are talking about, why not research it yourself? If you are this passionate about a change, it’d help to have a good comprehension of why you doing what to your body.

Most workout/athletic/bodybuilding forums are filled with meatheads that may not be the most wise when giving advice… however most of those forums also have a “nutrition” section that almost never has trolls, always has superb advice and will be much more likely to help you.

forums that have a nutrition section that you should read:

Anyways to answer your question, in a very broad way… you need carbs, skipping them is straight fucking retarded. Quaker instant oats blended into a protein shake is :tup:. ( just ask me what mass quantities of oats did for my cholesterol rating )

Consider rearranging your diet from figuring out your daily CALORIE intake, to figuring out your nutrient macros… such as how many GRAMS of carbs/protein/fats you need.

Also, as many universites are starting to prove, the GI index is worthless.