Diet and workout help...

Cutting + Bulking at the same time is near impossible unless you are a genetic freak.

Prepare for slow gains.

You should really check out a body building forum. I think it is. Theres a few members here who train, but the stickies on those forums you could spend hours reading.

Reading now… Thanks…

What are your goals for right now, short term rather than longterm? To cut weight or to gain weight? As a beginner as long as your following something that resembles an intelligent workout and diet plan you will make good gains in both gaining muscle mass and losing fat. That doesn’t last and after that you will need to choose which goal you want to achieve, I personally prefer gain and than lose rather than the other way around.

I’ve been eating a lot of Oatmeal in the morning.

Bananas (eat after workout) and peanut butter (lunch or afternoon snack) are good for bulking up.

3 meals a day isn’t the best for bulking up, your better off with 5 small to med sized meals if you can fit that into your schedule.

I got tired of ever trying to be bigger then what I am now. I stay right around 145-150 and am perfectly fine with that.

I’ve been mildly working out for a couple years now, and i’m no expert and dont really do much research, but have similar goals as yourself… But i usually eat more in the winter and lift heavy and gain some weight, then when the spring comes i run 4x a week and do less weight lifting. I switch over to smaller weights more reps. This has been working for me as well to be expected. MY diet still isnt perfect but i have cut out a lot of crap/sugar/carbs from my everyday diet and generally just feel healthier.

Plus the last couple springs/summers i felt like i started to shred away a few % points of BF and look more cut

Look into the Keto diet. It is pretty intense but it works amazing for some people.

Basically, you set your body into a stage called ketosis. Basically it is starvation mode, without the starvation. To do it, you eat VERY few carbs, and lots of oils/fats. The point is, your body naturally gets its energy from glucose which is broken down from the carbs you inject. And while working out on this diet is fine, it is hard to lose fat, while building muscle. With keto, your body switches over to use your fat reserves/intake as an energy source. When this happens, your muscles still grow but your body fat decreases, very efficiently. To really look into it, search for the diet on the forum you are reading now. It is not a long term diet, as it is bad for your liver in long term settings but for short term it does a great job.


Be ready to eat a TON of food on this diet. 7 square meals is just a start…

u may think that diet is good but in fact it sucks ass. sorry just saying. u are pairing up fats with sugars/carbs and thats a no no for cutting. if u do it the right way, u will lose weight.

Whatever you do, do NOT take advice from deadbeatrec.

deadbeat: You’re built like a 12 year old girl and have no clue what you’re talking about.


I don’t understand how it sucks ass? Basically you are eliminating “most” of your sugar/carb intake and replacing it with fat. I do not see how you are pairing them to the point it will affect you negatively. Maybe I am missing something but I have read into this fairly well and spoke with some people who do it…

Hell, I almost talked myself into doing it but I can’t fathom how much $$ I would be spending on food.

r u really going to make me do it??? ok fine fine!!!

5:30 - 3 eggs, 1 apple (eggs are saturated fats and he is eating them with a natural sugar hence spiking his insulin.huge no no unless trying to gain weight)
6:30 - workout
7:45 - 2 scoops protein (right after workout) (u need a fast acting sugar here like a dextrose or maltodextrin or else the protein is almost useless)
10:00 - protein bar (protein should always be eaten with a fat or a carb)
noon - whatever is around (subway, etc) this meal needs to be cleaned up… (do i really have to say anything about this one?)
3:00 - apple (again with the sugars. the only time u need an apple or a fruit is pre workout)
6:00 - varies - yesterday was 2-cans of tuna, mayo, and 5 pieces of bread (meyo and bread = no no)
10:00 - 1 scoop protein (again with the eating protein and no fats or carbs)