Meathead Content: Diet Question

Alright guys so I have plateaued on my current diet setup. I will be changing my training setup as well. I am going into a new bulking cycle and this is what I have come up with…any advice or does this sound good?

Bulking Diet Plan Calculation

175 lbs * 11 = 1925
1925 * .5 = 962
1925 + 962 = 2887 daily maintenence kcals
2887 + 500 kcals to bulk = 3387 kcals to bulk

175 * .91 = 160 g prot required

160 * 4 = 640 prot kcals
Split the remaining 2747

640 prot kcals = 160g prot minimum
1373 carb kcals = 343g carbs (note: all low GI or complex carbs, except PWO shake)
1373 fat kcals = 153g fat (note: all monounsatured or polyunsatured fats… minimal saturated fats)

well… thats some fancy math bud, lol. looks good. but if you want to REALLY bulk up, eat a g of protein per pound of body weight and eat everything in sight. and lift pretty heavy and train your ass off. all that math and diet is good, but if you aren’t hungry to train, then you are wasting your time. godspeed sir!

I’ve got the training down. I’m hitting the gym hard 5 days a week. Been doing that consistently since the end of January.

Started at 165lbs and am at 180lbs now lifting a 275 max bench. Looking to get 300 by november and be at 190lbs.

And I have been eating everything in sight, but I am getting more than avg fat gains so I need to tweak my diet to get the most bulk with the least amount of fat.

walk on the t mill at a med to high incline for 30 to 45 mins at a pace that puts ur heart rate right around 130. that should take care of that fat. dont run at all if you want to increase your size.

Your training sucks (we already discussed this), not enough protein, but the total calories are about right.

And before you ask, any of the big boys on here (or anywhere else) will agree that training 3-4 days a week focusing on BIG COMPOUND MOVEMENTS is key, not ‘bicep day’, etc.

I am def going to increase my time on the tmill irregardless, I have been pushing max incline at 145-150 BPM for 15 minutes.

I think now I am going to decrease BPM to 130-135 and increase time to 30 minutes.

if your heart rate gets too high, you will burn muscle as well as fat. so yea, drop it down. and forgot to tell you (travis just brought it up.) BENCH - SQUATS- DEADLIFT!! if you arent squatting and deadlifting, you are wasting your time. those work the largest muscle groups in your body. the larger the muscle group the more natural growth hormone your body releases when you work them. your whole body will grow and increase in strength. you NEED to do these excercises

Absolutely, I’ve DRASTICALLY changed my training recently and I’m seeing unreal gains vs. before.

Thanks for the advice!:thumbup

And I’m ‘man’ enough to admit that E-Man was right when I asked him some training questions long ago, I’ve been over training (as most of you are) for a long time

I ride the bike at the gym and my heartrate is normally 150-163.

You have to consider age/weight into that. Everyone is different and it is mostly based on age/weight.

29 this month and 230-235# right now

And are you trying to lose fat/gain muscle or lose fat/cardio?

Here is a guide:

really Im trying to lose fat and build muscle. So far Ive lost almost 30 pounds in the 4 years Ive been going to the gym and definately built up a lot of muscle compared to when I started. Ive also become stronger. Ive lost 15-20 of those pounds in the past 6 months.
I ride the bike 5 days a week for an hour, 19-20 miles each day. On Sundays I normally take a real bike ride for an hour and a half or so on a bike path. Today was 14 miles and last week was 20 miles (different paths). Today’s path is a bit more up and down than the one I was on last week.

Also get some blood tests to see what your body is producing that is naturally required… and if your not producing, then you may need to ad some things. I.E Testosterone among other things. You can spin your wheels a bit if your not naturally making whats necessary.

  1. You aren’t eating enough protein. Chicken, tuna, seafood, eggs, milk, etc. Eat enough protein until you are shitting it out because your body can’t use it.

  2. Eatonualive281 mentioned you shouldn’t run if you want to increase your size. Correct. However, a bit of jogging for just your health won’t hurt you but for MAX, don’t run

  3. Low Rep High Weight. You don’t want to tone. You want to build muscle. You should be doing 4-6 reps per set.

  4. Get a work out partner. If you can lift it, you aren’t lifting enough. You need to be able to do the “last rep” and the “negatives”. The partnet can also let you bench, curl, etc. the weight you won’t be able to do but need to ‘feel’ the weight

  5. Change your work out. Do you know how many guys I see in the gym that do 225 X 10 but can’t do 275 X 3? Your body gets used to the weight. Change it up and push towards the weight you cannot do. If you want to bench 300, put up 315 and go 1/2 down or just feel it on the bar.

I was stuck at 385LBS bench for nearly 8-10 months. My forearms weren’t strong enough and 405LBS felt like 600LBS compared to 375LBS. I did 425-450 a few times and just went down a few inches. Nailed 405LBS like 2 weeks later.

:ahheat protien bars, 6 a day!

How much protein is in the bar? Whey Powder with some milk works good. Use a blender or it tastes like sand.