Peanut Jelly Butters @ gym

been seein him there a lot lately.

PJB, you needs a routine. friday it looked like u were just walking around doing whatever u thought looked good. then i see u make the same mistake every newb gym rat makes and likes to shrug 1…billion lbs on the shrug machine. for what? impressing someone?

let me know and ill hook a brother up with something simple.

cred goes to him going though. more than i can say about a lot of people here. :number1

Ni66er I told you to make me a routine/diet!

Oh yeah you told me to log what I eat or some shit.

I eat anything you tell me to buy at wally world!

bad knees=cant treadmill

bike’s cool though.

benny u nevar got back to me so i lost all hope.

how much do u weigh and how tall?

ahahaha true shit because most people go to the gym and dont know wtf they are doing, i was like that for the longest time ever and after going for 2 years straight i hardly gained ANYTHING

here in india this kid who is like 60 feet tall goes EVERY DAY to the same gym i go to … and hes there all the time… and he is like 19 pounds !! and he doesnt DO SHIT other than stand around, he does some loosen up excersises with his arms and some push ups and some pull ups

THATS IT… the kid looks like he cant hold himself up straight hes about to snap and crack a bone…

just GOING to the gym doesnt mean shit, u need to get your god damn diet in order he needs to drink some weight gainer and protien for REAL…

i think pjb is trying to loose weight so he wold need a diff diet and shit

i think ur diet matters alot cuz since i been on a proper deit i actually seen results quickly… now i been sick for the last 1 week and lost some weight but im almost back to normal so i’ll be going again…

but yea i hate seeing people go to the gym and try to show off lifting a billion pounds … for what ??? your obviously shit look at u LOL

All the reasons listed is why I dont go to planet fitness. Douche central. Girls wear makeup at the gym, guys on their cell phone. GTFO.

yea im gonna quit planet fitness when i get back, i didnt care before but now i do, im gonna go to a proper gym, im sick of that shit and planet fitness does suck for equipment

come on dood! pass me dat muscle malk yo


^ ok…

great gym, great guys, Eastman is my ***** but unless ur a stright powerlifter its not worth it. parking is terrible but at least its like $140 a year. at least it was.

yea im 140lbs , powerlifting isnt something i do yet :smiley: just tryin to thicken up

yeh just saying thats the only place you’ll find without any of the prissy, “i’m here to socialize” lifters. So saying you wanna join a “proper gym” good luck finding it since i think every other gym has a good following of the people just there to talk. But yeh can’t beat it for $140 and if its good enough for Ben White…

yea i dont care if people are trying to talk i dont pay attention to that, but there is too much bullshit in planet fitness the equipment does suck … and the colors drive me nuts i feel like im in some barney tv show

Some of the machines and all of the free weights (with the exception the dumb bells only go up to 70lb. at Planet Fitness) that are used at Planet Fitness are the same at Golds. The machines suck at Planet Fitness only because it takes them weeks to repair the machines when they break.

ok first off Ben White is a complete tool assfucker. secondly he doesnt and hasnt lifted there in about 5 years as far as i know. he was at boths bests, all the golds and has been kicked out of every one because he is such a dick. Fuck Ben and his big ass GH forehead.

thats what i meant

never met this ben white character

6’2" 310lbs

I workout at the YMCA in EG and there is no idiots there, its either old people or people in their 20s (around 6:30pm at least).

your statement contradicted itself.
