It was 3 dudes, and we were all jacked and/or tan.
u should come lift with a ***** sometime. im there like 4:50-5 till like 6
It was 3 dudes, and we were all jacked and/or tan.
u should come lift with a ***** sometime. im there like 4:50-5 till like 6
Id love to, except I just started going back again, and feel like a huge vagina lol. I am gonna start getting back into it hard though!! I didnt know u went there
i have been going there for a few years now. fitness factory was my place then it shut down and i got a free ride to best.
right now im doing DC training. its very very advanced and a PITA!!! its 3 days a week so im there mon-wed-fri. soon im going back to volume.
i showed jellies some shit a few weeks ago.
Nice! Ill hafta meet up with ya one of these days and get a few pointers from ya. Ive been doing a routine a buddy of mine gave me awhile back.
M- Chest
T- Back
W- Shoulders
Th- Arms(Bi’s & Tri’s)
F- Legs(never go lol)
I do work up in the YMCA.
M: Bi’s/Tris
T: Shoulders
W: Legs although I usually herb them
Th: Back
Fri: Chest
Throw cardio in, mixed with situps, pushups. But I been slacking lately.
Yeah I started doing mild cardio again, usually 20min on bike, or 10 on elliptical. Never been a cardio guy, plus getting back into the swing of things with the knee
u guys wanna “DO WORK” come lift with me.
Haha, Im down. What do you do MWF?
well i told u im doing DC (dog crap) so… today is chest shoulders tris back width and back thickness. one set each body part with rest pause working set and then 7x12 quick sets followed with a 60-90 second of extreme stretching. its complicated
o and every week u have to go up a min of 5 lbs or more reps or else u have to drop that movement and move on to something different. so everything has to be written down maticulously.
Oh I didnt know what DC was :lol.
Damn, sounds pretty nuts lol.
its all about low volume and stretching. it was made by a dude named Dante. look him up
You are fucking nuts pal
i do srs work
this thread got really gay.
thank you:hug
yea we know ryan! ur so hard core
says the fag taking pictures of bumber stickers and not hawt womenz.