its coo.
Question, did you see Muscle Milk’s new product “Monster Milk”? It has 50g of protein per serving. 345Cals or so. That’s crazy. Fatty.
its coo.
Question, did you see Muscle Milk’s new product “Monster Milk”? It has 50g of protein per serving. 345Cals or so. That’s crazy. Fatty.
that brand is for tools.
u want high cals, eat a lot of food. i have had 4 meals already
I know, but i dont know of any other protein out there that offers that many grams of protein per serving.
here is the deal. 1 gram of anything is one gram. PERIOD
so what they do is give u a huge scoop.
its like the old GNC weight gainer. use to come with a cup sized scoop.
so thats how they do it. your typical scoop is 20-25g.
:rofl liars. They lie to you with their serving sizes.
You’ll get it too, pipe down.
no they are not lieing, they just give u a big scoop. a serving is whatever they make it.
like a serving of my cum would be like 4cc
a serving of your cum would be like 2 ml
same principal
Not now chief, I’m in the fuckin’ zone.
A fucking howitzer
Im actually glad u made this thread bc i have been lifting hard for the last month and a half or so again. I have been keeping track of all the calories and protien i have been taking in as well as the workouts i do on an organizer on my iphone. I am eating 6-8 times a day which usually looks like this-
6am- hardroll/ quart of milk and maybe a pie
8-9am whatever i can find around here at work,donuts, hot pockets, peanuts, beefjerkey, half gallon of half and half tea or green tea and an apple or some stupid shit
11-12 - lunch 2 slices of pizza or a sub, chips or wendys or taco bell or a couple sandwichz
3 - home from work- left overs from whereever or a couple hot dogs, LIFTING, whey protien shake
7-8 - grill some marinated chicken, make a salad with some stuff i gree in my own garden or some other veggies/fruits… Or go down to the bar and eat like a train
10ish- icecream / water, bananas
lifting schedule is somthing like this
m-back, weighted pull ups
t- bis, forearms
w-abs, shoulders, tris
t- legs (ughh) weighted calve dips/squats
f-random, whatever i feel like doesnt hurt and needs to be pushed more
all the work outs are done with medium weight 10-20 reps to warm up then heavy weight untill failure at about 10 reps, usually 4 or 5 sets for example bicep standing barbell curl -60 lbs x20 rep
80 lbs x15 rep
120 lbs x untill fail around 10 rep
80 lbsx untill fail
all with 30-60 second breaks between to drink a glass of water, sorry this all looks like a mess but im posting from my iphone, i would love to chat with u more sometime E and get some tips. Ive gone from 185 to about 195+ in the last month or so
Your diet is terrible, clean that up.
I put everything i can into my fuel tank, i think i can afford to gain some fat if i can for right meow. I do try to throw in alot of better more healthy stuff in there though.
anybody have any tricks for bringing run times down? I need to bring my run time down from 46.30 something to below 40 minutes for 5 miles. it just seems impossible… oh and anybody know any good places to go swim around here?
Running sprints really helps for that. has a lot of good info.
DJ, not sure if you’ve seen it or not when I’ve posted it up on Facebook, but I do personal training and would be happy to help you out, brother!
There is no doubt you will bulk up from that diet… haha
u have and im sure u have bit on a small bit a lot of fat doing so. this diet is terrible!!! this routine is terrible!!! when bulking u want to stuff a shit load of food down the gullet but not necessarly what ur eating. i try to hit 5500-6000 cals a day but its all clean food. chicken, steak, beef, tuna, cottage cheese, raw oats, brown whole grain rice ect ect. u are doing nothing but putting ur body through hell. ur sugar levels and the amount of saturated fats will do nothing but impeed gains.
clean that shit up fast!!! i have sample diets.
here this one is on me. something simple i wrote up for someone.
6:30: Pro/Carb
8 Egg Whites, 1 Scoop Of whey Protein, 1 cup oatmeal
50g protein / 54g carbs / 5g fat
7:30: Pro/Fat
Lean Ground Beef, ¼ cup swiss cheese, green veggies
55g protein / 2g carbs / 20g fat
9:30: Pro/Carb
Chicken Breast, 1 and a half cup Brown Rice
55g protein / 84g carbs / 3g Fat
**Disclaimer: Meal 3 can be a pro/fat meal if you are ultra sensitive to carb intake.
11:30: Pro/Fat
2 Cans of Tuna, 1 Tbsp Full Fat Mayonnaise, Veggies
60g protein / 2g carbs / 13g Fat
1:30: PWO Nutrition
2 Scoops whey Protein / 80g of Dextrose
40g protein / 80g carbs / 0g fat
3:30: PPWO
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast, ½ cup Brown Rice (Measured Uncooked)
50g protein / 70g carbs / 3g fat
pwo: Pro/Fat
Lean Protein of your choice, 2 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter
50g protein / 5g carbs / 18g fat
8:30: Before Bed
3 Scoops of whey Protein, 1.5 Tbsp. Flax Seed Oil
60g protein / 3g carbs / 21g Fat
Thanks pete, im actually headed up to your work right now , send me a text if ur not too busy
265 0066
and thanks E , i know that diet looks horrible but its not always like that