Workout Thread, get in Zone - Chief

You go to bed at 8:30?

Thats not my diet.


Good seeing you, man!
I thought for sure I screwed something up when they paged me down… hahaha

Hahaaa, thats what i was talking ti the girls about when they paged you down, they were like, yess! Lets page him down and use your account client number to scare him! Lol , nice seeing you though bud.

so i take it u do graphics on cars? how about a flat black strip down my vette?

You too, sorry I had to run to that meeting… I walked in about 1 second before they started… haha

Nice, no E i just make lettering for trucks pretty much, and stupid decals when im drunk, if u want some sweet shit call up adam uzzo with 21graphics

Diet is very important, if you are not going to cater your diet to your training goals, you might as well just give up before you start. However, I recommend that you have 1 ‘junk meal’ a week. Just substitute one meal for whatever the fuck you want, it really won’t effect your progress at all. And of course, some ‘supplements’ always help too.

How are all you slugs out there doing?

gettin fatter by the minute… need to hit the gym again like bad!

Been pushing heavy weight last two weeks. Back in full swing at the GYM.


n0 Eplode PUMPSSS!!

sweet, I’m almost back to where I was before I got hurt. Def a long road to get to where I am now, and I’m not anywhere near where I want to be yet.

Adam has been lifting with me. he is doing good so far.

Good to see his name thrown out there before I did. He does all the graphics for Cars4Cancer also, much respect to him

Yea, He was telling me you’re a beast, haha.
I want to come with you guys too. It’s always good to switch it up and do different workouts.

3 Scoops of Whey before bed sounds excessive…

Not to mention you’re doing 2 scoops 5 hours before after a workout.

This makes sense for MOST people. I on the other hand have difficulty gaining weight. I eat right, but I am not a calorie counter. I take supplements regularly and work out on a regular basis. So far I am seeing good results.

its widely known that if u want to gain weight, uhave to eat about 3000 cals above your maintence cal intake.


A dude I know worked out pretty severily for like 2-3 years. He got HUGE. What bewildered me was the garbage he eat, constantly eating fast food, etc. Just HOUSING food. He still had a 6/8 pack and I NEVER seen him do cardio.

I think he was on the juice though…

Is this even possible?