Workout Thread, get in Zone - Chief

hey, its up to u if u. im just giving advice.

red x’s! i like

works for me even after clearing cache, your work sucks.


Read my previous post.

juice really has nothing to do with being ripped. it will help u lean out yes, but some people are just geneticly gifted. this + some extra test and u have a beast that will not care about shit and still get big. these are the people who can take it to the professional level. this isnt me. this isnt u nore anyone i have met on this forum.

the best u will do is gain some muscle and lose some fat. if this is the case i would sugest u diet to see what ur working with, then try and gain after that.

I generally eat very clean. I dont eat fast food at all anymore, but I have a hard time staying away from breads (carbs).

well thats y u have a belly. stop eating them. u should try keto.


Super Dump!

The ketogenic diet is a high fat, adequate protein, low carbohydrate diet, primarily used to treat difficult-to-control (refractory) epilepsy in children :wtf

Meh wrong link.

A keto or ketogenic diet is a nutrition plan that focuses on high fat and low carbohydrate meals to put the body into ketosis. The body normally uses carbohydrates to produce glucose. The body burns glucose as the primary source for energy. You lose fat on a keto diet because during ketosis, the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketones to burn fat as the main energy source. Keto diets are used for weight loss, treating epilepsy and body building.

i have done keto diets to lose and gain. its not easy.

takes a solid 2 weeks to get into ketosis.

This Ketosis shit is no joke.

Look at the bulking:

A Normal Days Bulking Diet
I am going to roughly outline a normal days bulking diet. The key word is roughly, this is just sample meals for the day, don’t follow it meal for meal. 1: 3-5 eggs, cheese, bacon, butter on the eggs
Meal 2: 2 double cheeseburgers (no bun) with Mayo
Meal 3: tuna with Mayo
Meal 4: 2 double cheeseburgers with Mayo
Meal 5: Steak with cheese
Meal 6: Protein shake with flax oil, Natural Peanut butter
Meal 7: 3 egg omelet with mushrooms and cheese, bacon
Meal 8: Protein shake with flax oil, Olive oil

Tons of fat, spending dough on food.

Ketogenic diet is basically using your fat stores as energy, as opposed to carb stores from glucose??

Seems as carbs are the end of me. But you need SOME carbs for energy at the gym, daily life etc.

Need to get carbs from good sources.

wow, thats alot of eating! haha
I don’t even think I could eat all of that if I tried.

thats nothing. u should have seen what i was eating.

cock meat sandwhichs?

^ He was, but without a bun :lol