Diet and workout help...

Ahhhh, nvmd. I thought you were talking about the diet that I posted about Keto. I didn’t realize your post was directed towards him…

In his case you’re right. His diet sucks

separate all carbs and fats

meal 1 should be pro and carb.

meal 2 pro and fats

pre workout should be 1 scoop pro and an apple

post w/o should be 1 scoop pro with 25 grams dextros

ppw/o should be pro and veggies

pre bed should be pro and fats.

if u are 6’4 215lbs or whatever it said, you body will be consuming about 2800-3000 cals a day, so there for to effectivly diet u need to target that cal range about 2500 to start. then as u plataue, go a lil lower. so on and so on.

cardio-if can be done right when u wake up this is what u want. no food no water or anything in u at all.

Did you mean separate all carbs and fats?

yes my bad

and u want to bulk not cut? im so confused.

dirty bulk, eat anything and everything in sight. clean bulk, eat lots of clean foods and separate carbs from fats.

Sugar is a carb, you should be more specific like saying specifying “good” and “bad” carbs, for example bread is a carb, white bread is considered a bad carb but whole bread (wheat, oat, 12 grain, or rye) is a good carb. Also most fruits (because its natural sugar) are good carbs as well as potatoes and many types of beans.

read down and notice i made a mistake.

carbs and fats

and i dont care wtf kind of carb it is, either way if u are cutting, dont eat them with fats.

anyway u can more ur workout to later in the day?

Well, to start, your post workout dextrose is garbage…ask any of the top bodybuilding nutritionists and they will tell you that solid food sources are fine, and preferred.

Here, take a look at my diet. The overall caloric intake may or may not work for you, but the percentages will. Throw in some BCAA’s post workout, and between meals and you’ll be good to go.

Normal days
Protein: 210
Carbs: 340
Fats: 80

On offdays use the following totals
Protein: 210
Carbs: 280
Fats: 75

Macronutrient Timing

Total Meals: 4-6

Protein: spread your protein intake evenly over all your meals (35-45g/meal)

-approx 15% of total carbs at breakfast (50g on normal days, 40g on off days)
-approx 25% of carbs preworkout (85g on normal days, 70g on off days)
-approx 25% of carbs post workout (85g on normal days, 70g on off days)
-The remaining 35% (120g on normal days, 100g on off days) of your carbohydrate intake should be spread out relatively evenly over the rest of your remaining meals.

On days when you workout in the morning after breakfast use the following breakdown
-25% of daily carbs at breakfast (85g on normal days, 70g on off days)
-30% of daily carbs post workout (100g on normal days, 85g on off days)
-45% of carbs spread throughout the rest of the day (155g on normal days, 125g on off days

Oh, get a couple servings of veggies a day too. Remember, the macro numbers mean MUCH MORE than the actual source that they come from.

Shredding and bulking is like near impossible.

Bulk up? Eat protein (seafood, chix, eggs, milk, tuna, etc.) and eliminate extra sugar/fat. Live in the gym.