Fat Burning Question...

Ok so I am trying to lose a few extra pounds in the next 3 weeks before my wedding (overall I would like to get back into the shape I was in when I was still in the Marines, which is about 35lbs lighter then I am now) and my question is:

Is it better to workout (mostly cardio) before or after eating dinner?

Since those are really my only times that I can. I have read working out before eating will help burn fat faster because you dont have any carbs in your system so your body breaks down your fat instead. But I also read that it can be a bad thing because of your blood sugar level is also at its lowest obviously before eating so your body wont allow the workout to be as intense.

I know when I was in the Marines we always had PT as soon as we got up before we had a chance to eat breakfast which probably has a lot to do with the amount of weight I lost.

Thoughts and opinions welcome!

interesting how you mention the morning PT. I read that if you exercise as soon as you get up, before you eat, it somehow burns extra calories.

Work out before you eat dinner, your body will be in the best position to benefit from the nutrient you eat.

Fuck cardio, best way for a man to shape up is free weights, don’t care if you’ve got a week or a year. its about looking better not the number on the scale right?

Yes, you are correct, doing cardio before eating promotes the most fatloss, the absolute best time to do cardio is right upon waking up as you havent had anything in your body for 8+ hours making it very easy to loose bodyfat. Doing cardio right after a workout will help loose bodyfat almost as easily however it hinders your muscle mass gains from your freeweight workout.

when using free weights use light weight high reps (15-25 reps)

I don’t care about bulking up, I just want to be back in shape and get my endurance up. I pick up and carry enough heavy shit at work LOL.

Yeah I was thinking about picking up some weights, obviously lighter weights and higher reps.

Thanks guys for your opinions!

in that case do it up boxing/mma style… As soon as you wake up throw on 2 pairs of pants, 3 shirts, a hat and some gloves and get on the tredmill… Wipe the sweat off with a towel as it comes down… I’ve lost up to 15 pounds in a 30 minute run.

yeah but thats all water.

fuck the light weights, more muscle mass the more you can eat.

show me the guy who is disappionted that he got to big from lifting (all natural)

…its not all water and even if it was, our body is 60% water, loose the water loose the gut/puffy look.

No, dont fuck the light weights, light weights high reps = burning fat/loosing weight, heavy weight less reps = GAINING mass/weight

15 lbs in 30 mins dude??

Drink a pot of coffee and exercise as soon as you roll out of bed.

Was thinking the same thing :dunno

MOST I’ve ever lost in one hard ass cardio session and doing situps in the sauna was maybe 5lbs…

I may be off by a few pounds but when i used to box
I would run with extreme layers on and lost at leaast 10 pounds a session several times… I lost over 5 pounds at just playing sports (football, basketball ext) and thats without layers

yeah, i had to loose 7 lbs in 3 hours b4 a comp to make weight and would never want to do that EVER again. it was terrible. lol. i layered up and did the sauna and tread mill for what seemed like forever. OP, just eat chicken and greens with water for a week. you dont even have to kill yourself doing cardio and you will loose weight. lol. who knows, if you do it right you might even be able to reach keitosis and you’ll be ripped!!!


Yeah, and put it all back on once you start eating like a normal human again. You’re not losing fat when you do this, just glycogen stores

he said he wanted to loose weight in the next 3 weeks for his wedding. thats how you get cut up in 3 weeks. surefire way to do it

True. In reality, building muscle/losing fat is a slow trickle at best. But this will work for a temp fix.

Don’t eat and throw up a lot.


^ummmmm…is that you?

no, I dont have dark hair and a receding hairline