Fat Burning Question...

i couldnt tell past all the coke in the pic, kinda distracting

I would stick to lean meat and alot of greens with slow digesting carbs like sweet potato, whole wheat bread etc. eat small 6-8 meals, it’ll keep your metabolism up throughout the day.
you want to keep your blood sugar stable, Eating BIG meals will spike your Insulin.
stay away from carbs after 9pm. snack on some nuts/oats if you really need to eat a late night snack. if you are weight training, i would do it before your cardio as your glycogen stores will be depleted by the time your on the treadmill

You need to have a calorie deficit to lose weight/fat. The healthiest way to achieve a calorie deficit is NOT by eating less than what your body needs during the day, but actually slightly more, and doing the cardio/weight training(alternate days, never in the same session) to make a deficit.

Regardless of it being cardio or weights, you’re going to want to eat a good meal 1-2 hours before the workout, and immediately following the workout its best to have a post-workout shake. For weight-training, you do not want any fructose(no fruits) in your PW shake, but for cardio you do. Also, don’t mix whey protein in milk.

To boost your metabolism, it’s also best to break up your daily meals into 2 hour increments.

Working out on an empty stomach is more harmful then helpful. Your body will breakdown muscle if it doesn’t have the energy for the exercise. PM me man, this is the crap I went to school for, I’d be happy to answer any questions and help as much as possible. 3 weeks is a good amount of time, usually I hear this questions a week before whatever occasion lol.

Timing is dependant on your own personal sleep schedule. About an hour before bed you’ll want to eat carbs and proteins, preferably oatmeal and cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is casein protein which digests slower, oatmeal is a complex carbohydrate. A few hours into an 8 hour sleep schedule, you’re body starts catabolizing muscle for energy, those foods help delay it.

You never want to do both at the same time(which 99% of people do anyway), for that exact reason, regardless of the order, your body doesn’t have the energy stores left and your exercise stops being beneficial. It’s best to split them between seperate days(or seperate parts of the day).

I stuck to a ketogenic diet before and I dropped 120lbs in about 7 months. I held it off for about 3 years just keeping busy and eating pretty normal for people in my age group (occasional fast food, whatever). Then I started on some stupid antidepressant and I gained it all back within a year. Fuck you.

Dont eat like an idiot + go to gym (bust your ass) = weight loss, attaining goals


Lotta dumb in here.

Lots of good info ITT. Thank you.


not going to burn a lot of fat lifting weights heavy or light. might as well lift heavy weights and build more muscle for a faster metabolic rate.

Thanks for the pointers.Im gonna start goin back to gym too.

Mikey B getting abs like the sitch

WTF? lol… are being serious or jking?

I havent done a 20 minute session of cardio in 3 years but magically get bigger when using more weight and loose bodyfat when using less weight higher reps with half the rest from going heavy.

If I cut down my intake to 2,500 calories a day and do 4 sets of an exercise at 15-25 reps I could get into the single digit bf%

Regaurdless op wants to LOOSE weight not gain it and lifting heavy promotes muscle growth which increases weight gain.

I don’t know. Most of what i spout is from when i was in highschool which is like 15 years ago. Maybe the science says different now. What i used to read said that actual weight lifting burns few calories but increased muscle mass will ramp up your metabolic rate and help you lose fat quicker.

The calorie counts bellow were supprising to me, and they support what you are saying. Chart still says aerobic is more bang for your buck but they are pretty close:


Activity, Exercise or Sport (1 hour)
130 lb
155 lb
180 lb
205 lb

Stationary cycling, very light[RIGHT]177
Stationary cycling, light[RIGHT]325
Stationary cycling, moderate[RIGHT]413
Stationary cycling, vigorous[RIGHT]620

Circuit training, minimal rest[RIGHT]472
Weight lifting, body building, vigorous[RIGHT]354
Weight lifting, light workout[RIGHT]177

however, this site says the opposite it seems

Personally, just eating right and lifting has worked much better for me then eating right and cardio.

opps, that was much more table-like when i was puttin it together

time for me to chime in…those who know me know that i have lost a bunch of weight…as far as the OP’s first post, working out before eating helps metabolize your food much more efficiently since your metabolism is at its peak immediately following exercise. as far as the light weights, high reps, that is the best way to do it to tone down. i always start with cardio to get my heart rate up and blood flowing thru my body as well as releasing different hormones which actually help with muscle build and fat burning then lift afterwards (also personal preference bc if i bust my ass lifting weights i get too tired to run after but as an exercise point, cardio after lifting will decrease muscle build). also, eat a lot of lean protein and cut down on carbs…that being said, certain carbs are good for you like complex carbs (whole wheat shit) but try to limit your intake to before noon time since carbs are essentially complex glucose molecules that are broken down to sugar which is used for energy, however if they do not get burned as energy, sugars are stored as fat.

working out first thing in the morning is good bc it jump starts your metabolism for the day so it sets the pace for the day unfortunately im not a morning person at all so joining the army was not the wisest career choice for me but oh well lol.

anyways, enough of my rambling, summarizing everything i just said, if you can PT in the morning before anything else, def do, if not then workout before dinner and keep your dinner as carb free as possible (grilled chicken and asparagus (despite carbs in asparagus, they are simple carbs that metabolize quickly, the calorie index on asparagus rules them as a “negative calorie food” since your body will burn a higher amount of calories in order to metabolize the food than the calories in it)…try to minimize carb intake to before noon and try to stay under 30g of carbs for the day, protein immediately after a workout aids in muscle recovery and less production of lacitc acid (when your sore the day after you workout, it is bc your muscles are tearing and producing lactic acid)

also as far as protein powders and shit, Myofusion by Gaspari Nutrition is what i recommend bc its low in carbs and has less calories and higher protein than some others and i have found it to be the most effective from personal preference.

any other questions, feel free to pm me or something

SxyTime out! lmao

Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey > everything else

used an entire 5lb jug of that shit and it did nothing for me lol

