More meathead talk.

im not asian but thanks

actually my girl liked what i showed her this morning

230lbs this morning flat and no pumps. muah!

so lets see your belly ryan. :hug

:rofl This thread has everything, including CCWs.


I cant get below 177lbs. I eat salad for lunch almost everyday and lean chicken at dinner. I think I need to up my cardio but bleh.

ccw abs!

your diet sucks im sure of it.

could halp u out if u want. but u have to be willing to work

ps: i eat 5500-6000 cals a day, im gaining weight and i still have a 4 pack.

Been trying to eat small meals during the workday, almonds, banana, I’m SO DAMN HUNGRY. I wanted to drop bodyfat, so naturally I would have to burn more calories than I take it. I burn approx 2500 a day, was eating 1800 or so.

its a science. your body will want to burn fat but muscle is easier to burn so that will go first. im sure your weak right now too right?

Not weak, cardio/endurance wise I’m stronger but yea when I’m eating like a beast I can definitely lift more.

How do u cut then w/o losing muscle mass

It’s hard to do both. You need to eat right. Typically I just used to bulk then cut in April/May. But I just want to be physically healthy, and diet is 75% of working out. Deadbeat would be able to tell you a lot more.

keeping muscles active and eating the right things

Yea tru… I stopped going to the gym in april and just running, pullups, curls, etc and I’m down 10 lbs but bf% seems the same :confused:

ok girls start your own thread.

well, now that this thread has nothing to do with CCW’s. I’m currently in horrible shape thanks to breaking my collarbone. I’ve been drinking/eating shitty and not lifting for ~2 months now.

Wtf did I just say.

Respect. mah. athoritay.

You’re all fatties.


Yea tru… I stopped going to the gym in april and just running, pullups, curls, etc and I’m down 10 lbs but bf% seems the same :confused:

Benny cut the thread?

UGH it’s so annoying in this vB crap, I have to select every post to split, not just ‘split after xxx post’

Shit is soooo gay. but yeah ok w/e.