More meathead talk.

i’m gonna just stick to having the one keg pack it’s easier right now with a bum back. :rofl

My diet is so not science based at all. I just use the daily plate and track my calories burned/consumed to lose weight. I pay no attention to what kinda balance my diet is in, thats probably really bad.

At least flip the pic next time E :lol

I cant wait to get back to the gym, I need to drops weight NAOW, and get huge.

Dude delete the first pic i nthe thread, it creeps me out.

Hes like the hairless wonder!

creeps u out? so when u go to the beach u are creeped out by dudes with no shirts on? dude stop being a lil girl and man up. its just my stomach.

Technically its impossible to cut without losing ANY muscle mass, assuming you aren’t just beginning out. Your body is going to try to burn muscle first when you start to diet since muscle requires more energy just sitting there than fat does so you need to be working your muscles activley while dieting if you want to keep them, its possible to diet and lose very little muscle mass but some will always be lost until someone finds that ever elusive perfect diet and workout plan.

Is there a real weight that a person’s body wants to try to stay at?

I started running regularly in February and started seeing gradual weight loss over the first three months (about 3-4 lbs a month). Since then, weekly mileage has gone up from 5 miles to about 10-12 miles and my food intake has remained about the same throughout, in terms of actual calories. The running is mainly for weight loss and cardiovascular fitness, not training for a long run or anything…

Now it seems I am losing 1 lb a month, if that. I’m cutting some more calories 2 evenings a week by taking in a shake instead of dinner, and I’m going to see if that helps. In an effort not to lose too much muscle I do lift 2x a week, but it’s very basic core stuff (bench press, shoulder presses, leg curls, leg extensions, etc). Rep count is usually 12-18 for exercises I do…

But it seems my body wants to stay at the 180 mark, just seems that it would take a LOT more effort to get below that…

As for height I am 5’8" and body fat is probably like mid-upper teens… Long way to go… I was 155-160 in HS, so I know there is a lot more to lose. Honestly, I’d be happy to get to 165-170.

I plan to keep up the running, stepping it up, and trying to eat less… Just curious if anyone else noticed a similar weight range they have trouble pushing past on the way down…

Dont worry so much about your weight, as much as how much better you look as time progresses. Muscle weighs more than fat, and when you burn fat/put on mass your weight will stay the same, or you may even gain a little weight. This throws ALOT of people off, including myself. When I workout hard I wanna see the gains on the scale, and when you dont its like WTF!

Good point about not focusing on the scale all the time. I definitely feel a lot better and I see the waist sizes coming down and all that so I know I’m doing something ok. I just don’t think I’m lifting enough to really “put on” muscle so I tend to measure “gains” by actual weight lost.

I tend to think it’s better to lose as much fat as possible first while minimizing amount of muscle lost- then try to build up later after reaching a nice low BF %. Is this right!?

Lifting actually burns ALOT more calories than cardio does, and it will build muscle, while trimming some fat(which is what ive been told by alot of he “big” guys).

“big” guys? wtf do the “” mean? they were big but not really :wierd

Wat lol. I mean big guys, as in guys that are larger than I:thumbup

just didnt know for y u quoted the big.

I’m trying to do the same thing that (it sounds like) a lot of people are… Build muscle, cut fat, and try to stay around the same weight. I do competitive judo, and am in the 75kg and under weight class. Anything more than that and I have problems getting control of my opponent, so I need to stay there. I’m going to start trying supplements along wih working out. My friend’s a personal trainer (I know a guy, I know I know…) and told me Creatine Ethyl Ester is what I want to take. Anyone use any sort of supplements?

My main problem is I eat shit food alot. A ‘normal’ lunch for me is a bag of chips and a bag of candy that I grab while driving at work.

Is it bad that I am eating an 8 cut pizza while reading this thread?

Swimming FTW, its a great cardio workout and isn’t nearly as stressful on your joints like running or other cardio activities.

Thats why I bike, its less impact on my already messed up knees.

i hate these threads!

then dont make them