Meatheads talking about eachother's meat and increasing the size of their meat. MEAT.

I just got home from the gym. Let the discussions begin.

:lol Same here. Shoulders day FTMFL

PWO meal (postworkout) consisted of 2 scoops of whey protien and 4 slices of wheat bread. I can feel my muskles soaking up the nutritious protein as I type.

Whole day for shoulders? What exercises? How long were you there? PWO meal?

Thats tomorrow for me. Back/shoulders/biceps and a few other things thrown in like 5 miles on the bike.

Yeah whole day,
Upright rows w/ barbell 4 sets 10 reps
Military DB press 4 sets 10 reps
Lateral raises(from side, and straght in front of you)4sets 10 reps
Shrugs 4 sets 10 reps
I thiink theres 1 more, but im forgetting it. PWM i tried your deal, 2 scoops of protein, and 2 slices of wheat

Oh and was there for about an hour

This is my schedule:
Thurs-Arms(BEST DAY!!..and wicked long…)
Fri-Legs(but havent done much since surgery)

wow it keeps gettin better as time goes on

How much are you lifting on the shrugs?
I do 12 reps of 360, 10 of 450 and 8-10 of 550.

I wish I could see an improvement in other areas than just my shoulders but atleast something is working. My shoulders have gotten pretty big.


well jeese ya gettin assfucked all weekend adam,yeah by hank :wtf

I do 510lbs, 4 sets, 10 reps each time

Gotta lose the weight somehow nucka :lmao

to much protien injections i think but whatever

:idiots You son of a bitch lol

dont hate me for sayin whats up :nana

Not bad. I usually do 3 sets of most stuff I do although sometimes I do 4 and I up the weight each time.

Now if I could start eating right Id be much better off. A bag of chips isnt a good lunch.

how the fahk did i get dragged in to this ?? :idiots

by assfuckin adam

Its all because of John’s man crush on you