Which whey to the gym?

:scott: Like the title? :nerd:

Anywhey :mamoru: I’ve never used anything but Gold Standard. Am I missing out?

I understand they’re not all the same, you should have one for early morning, another is better for before a workout, another for after workouts, another for a waxing crescent moon, blah blah blah.

Lets pretend that I’m a casual gym goer. No complicated routines because I won’t stick to them anyway, no complicated supplement regiments because I won’t stick to them anyway.

So what’s a good general purpose whey to toss into a smoothie or a shaker cup full of milk for a post-workout and/or snack fix?

Stick with GS? Real bros use muscle milk? Something with a dude in whey better shape than me on the bottle?

I never used any of that stuff when I DID work out. Although I am looking to get back in to it. I am down 26 pounds in 3 weeks!

I use optimum nutrition 100% whey(gold standard) it has always worked well for me and being lactose intolerant it is great as it hardly bothers my tummy.

OK Ron Paul

Whatever kind she is using.


muscle milk > everything

muscle milk will make you fat once you quit working out. :megapuke:

for protein, i love IsoPure. It’s a clear liquid, comes in a bottle. Not chalky or milkey. Has no sugar, 160 calories and 40g of protein per bottle (1 serving)



buy the bottles, not the powder.

American Whey.


$60 for 10lbs lasts a nice long time for the casual go’er and the taste is better than anything else.

pre mixed shit in glass bottles…probably a very frugal way to go when youre taking 2 or 3 a day…

josh, looks interesting. got a link for a good price? quick google search says that shit is kinda pricy

optimum is the best but its super expensive. As long as its actual pure whey protein then your going to get the much needed benefits from it. I jus buy the GNC brand. Muscle milk isnt a bad thing but it isnt pure whey its more of a proprietary blend supplement, but it doesnt hurt to use as a post workout protein supplement. Also about your “anywhey” joke, isnt there a brand that plays off the word whey like fry did? I forgot what its called.

no need to be taking 2 or 3 a day. There are PLENTY of ways to get your daily intake of protein in your meals. Personally, I drink it on heavy lifting days (3-4 days a week) and drink about a 1/4 bottle before my work out and the rest immediately after. A good way to get a fast delivery of protein immediately following a work out.

A pack of 12 costs about $36 and last for 3-4 weeks. You can get it at vitamin world.

$42 for 12 servings?

Yea, I’ll stick with powders…

All The Whey

maybe rather then comparing servings…you should compare results. Do what you wish…i’m recommended what i see that has worked the best for me.

haha ya thats it. It gets really good revies too but i would have to order it. Im willing to order some supplements but like i said when it comes to whey, gnc will pretty much have verything you need.

Make sure you get your post workout carbs too!

pasta, but it makes me tired for some reason.

used to buy one everyday leaving the gym, awesome stuff. i’d make shakes with their powder too and pitch a couple banana’s and such in them to thicken them up with a ton of ice.

Whey <