Does anyone make their own protein bars?

whats up fellow meat heads,

you guys ever try and make your own protein bars instead of buying those expensive, overly sugary ones from the store?

i’ve seen a few recipes here and there, but was hoping if someone had some of their own personal experience, and could share.

thats all.


EDIT: “No, but I can fill a glass full of protein for you”

ive seen a bunch or recipies, but ive never tried to make anything. i usually only consume those bars when bulking anyways, so i dont care about the sugar.

TOPS had Metrx bars 3 for $5 on sale last week, not sure if the sale is still going.

Same. Right now im bulking and basically just eat as much as i can all day. Which isnt alot because i am the suck at eating.
Anyhow i know i have seen some threads about this on the forum.

Yeah. I’ve seen them too, if you google the topic you’ll find a million recipes. I was just hoping someone knew of one that wasn’t too shitty.

I think using natty peanut butter and honey is my preference, or hope it to be,,FOOD_9936_31336,00.html

made those once, they were pretty good…

best thing about it though…you can pretty much substitute whatever you want

Fuck natty peanut butter. Anyhow here is the thread on Im not going to read it because protein bars are for fags but im sure there is some good input and feedback.

Also if you want to buy some

This seems like a good idea…I might have to try this.

I will post results after.

Damn i was just thinking about how lame protein bars were as i grabbed my jump rope to blast off a few 3min sets of rope lol. PWNED myself.

Dude I did some interval sprinting this morning and barfed up some water in the parking lot :tup:

Anyways, I’m gonna make some tonight, I’ll post up the results. I think I’m going to make the ones you have to keep frozen or whatever. Fuck baking.

A. Natty fucking rules. Have you ever touched the stuff? It’s AMAZING.

B. Fuck those protein bars you can buy from the store. Or any meal replacement bar… all fucking sugar! I get my carbs from whole wheat, brown rice and oatmeal baby :headbang:

No, but I can fill a shot glass full of protein for you

Clif Bars > *

My mom eats those.

All that sugar? MEH.

I think I’m just going to take some protein powder, oats, peanut butter and mix that shit up.

That all in all, isn’t really that bad -

check out what else is in there.

thats a lot of sugar. maybe preworkout but i cant see downing that any other time.

hard boiled egg > any bar

I had to edit for you. :smiley:

ALL processed bars/MRPs are that way though. :shrug: Maybe Clif’s are the best of them all… hell Wegmans has a huge wall full of different flavors. Not that Wegmans is the be-all/end-all of nutrition. But they sure do have a lot of them, so someone must be buying them.

This is the way I look at it -

I don’t drink anything sweet - eat anything sweet - I’ll be ok with eating one of these bad boys when I need to.

No one is saying you shouldn’t eat them, haha. They have their place, and if I didn’t have the sugar beef with them, I’d have the price problem to overcome.

I have some time to cook, whereas others may not, so I’m trying a cheaper / potentially healthier alternative.


Oooh Wegmans sells oatmeal with flaxseed. Great stuff.

More sugar than protein? Isnt much of a protein bar.