Does anyone make their own protein bars?

It’s not a protien bar




mesotech bars, steak, chicken, and egg whites everyday will give you some mass

add some FISH OIL too

I look at Chicken Parm sandwich and I gain 2 lbs.

I hate you

protein bars suck anyway

i’d eat pretty much Anything else instead

never made my own but wegmans has a baby ruth i believe, protein bar that isnt bad at all and has like 15-16gs a bar. How much mass are you looking to put on?

Not the healthiest protein bar,but one of the most delicious ones that I’d take over a shitty fast food meal or regular candy bar…

Cookie Dough or the Apple cobbler one = tasty.

When I was on a cutting diet,I experimented quite a bit.I made protein cookies and shakes just by combining random healthy shit,most of the time the stuff turned out good.

Sigh. Yeah, everyone knows protein bars and MRP bars suck. Thats the point of making your own, you can put what YOU want in them, like egg whites, rolled oats, natty PB, etc etc etc. it’s then that they DONT suck.

Hence why I asked if anyone had any homemade recipes that worked for them. I certainly didn’t come on to ask for advice regarding fitness, bodybuilding or weight lifting in general/


i wont eat protein bars for the same reason.

:word: I don’t understand them, but I can’t blame those who do use them.

Update: There is no update, I didn’t get around to making any.Yet.

Great profile too much money.
HIIT is the shiz it is my favorite for sure. Right now im bulking so im only doing some cardio to keep the system in shape. Anyhow i do jumprope with sprint intervals for 20min it is madness. Are you really carb sensitive because alot deplends on the bodytype meso, ecto, etc… I know i na take in loads of sugar even when cutting for me its much more dependant on overall calories. After playing with a few different types of diets and cardio i know that whn i want to be ripped i still eat a good amount of carbs(complex) and just up the cardio. It makes me want to cry inside when i see some guys theink the key is to just eliminate carbs while cutting and then their cut never goes as planned. So you want me to e-mail you my mass building workout plan yet it is fucking madness.
BTW after doing back yesterday i was sick for two hours hahah beat that. Deadlifts PWNED me hard.

I’ll reply after lunch, but I have Alan Aragon’s book ( from BB ) and base my diet around that.

You want to experience DOMS? Try some of the conditioning challenges from the conditioning forum.

100 snatches FOR THE LOSE

A. I repeat fuck natty peanut butter.

B. Fuck perfectly clean diets way too many things i love to eat. Semi-clean diet plus super intense training FTW. Not to mention most guys i know that follow strict diets are always let down by the results as they seldom experiment to find out what ratio really works for them. Im strict when cutting but thats it.

LOL i wish i had my camera here. On the dry erase board in my office i wrote on the board DOMS= Deleyed onset muscle soreness= :frowning:

In the workout program i follow the third week is shock week which is two supersets performed back to back with a rest pause dropset to finish you off. Talk about DOMS.

yea… this all sounds fucking disgusting… your really going to try and say you can’t figure out a way to get protien without eating some nasty combination of shit pressed into a bar? you ppl are so over the top with this crap lol

Meh its not something you can understand unless you are really into it i guess. Just like any hobby really. Think of how silly some people think modifying cars is. But i agree if it dosent taste good ill just eat something else and maybe not reach potential goals but whatever i like food.

i eat a lot of tuna, salmon, protein shakes (some of these are absolutely horrible, both in taste and nutritional content)

with tuna, instead of the mayo i’ll mix in dill relish, carrots, celery, etc.

off topic: i love the fat girls that go to the gym and walk on the treadmill for 3 min at .5 miles per hour (while on their cell phone). they then will go for another 2 minutes on the elliptical. they follow their grueling workout with a 700-1000 calorie chocolate banana peanut butter protein shake . :picard:

It’s the same shit I’d blend up, just with less blending. And what’s so nasty about PB, oats, milk, honey and egg whites?

I mix my tuna with salsa sometimes.

And those bitches are retarded. I respect the fat ones that generally try, I just hate how they are paying trainers to guide them through weighlifting when all they should be doing is getting on the treadmill or elliptical.

You crazy son those fat bitches need the weight lifting to get some muscle to get their shitty metabobolic rates in gear. Two things i hate about fatties at the gym. 1. They always have an excuse for being fat, not meeting goals, injury, etc… 2. It somehow seems that some fat out of shape person feels they should spill their extreme knowledge of training to others. Also a note for the fat womes SUGAR!!! STAY AWAY FROM IT!!! I find that most overweight women have no control of sugar in their diets its pathetic. Most overweight men just eat too much. Obviousley related to differences in insulin sensitivity and such but we dont need to get into all that.

So you going to make a bar or what? BTW have you tried Beta Alanine? It is the shit and you should get some like yesterday if you havent.

I got some purple wraath sitting around. it’s dusty… i bought it like a year ago and never cracked it open. i was thinking about mixing it with creatine when i get back on it

i can’t imagine them building muscle when they lift such small weights… poorly. they can’t even exhibit proper technique… they just cant stress the muscles hard enough! they need to get on the fucking treadmill

but of course, diet rules all anyways, and you know those son of a bitches are just going to mickey d’s after working out anyways