Does anyone make their own protein bars?

Purple Wraath is what i take actually. Hmm your is probably the 1st gen flavor so make sure you have something to mix it with as the new improved flavor still taste like shit. A fat bitch needs to move weights close to failure around 12-15 reps to help with body recomp. Cardio in its own just dosent use enough claories especiall low intensity like the powerwalking you see the heffers doing lol. I know the head of training at best fitness and i know he will hire me as a trainer there but i feel bad for any heffers that come my way because i will be harsh as fuck lol. Getting paid $40hr to tell fat bitches they are fat will be priceless.

lol thats fucking sweet.

i did a good amount of reading about bcaas before i bought that stuff, and i think it’s the revised flavor, but i could be wrong. i dont remember correct dosing of it though, so hopefully i can blend it with something else and not have the properties of the stuff get ruined

no fat bitch EVER lifts to failure. they always give up.

LOL i hope i cant get a sweet job when i move home because im only taking the training gig if I cant find anything better at the moment. But i have to say i think it will be a sweet job especially since it will A. Keep me in the gym and B. Keep me around gym sluts. BTW not sure if you know but Purple Wraath migh cause some mild tingles lol dont be alarmed. I take 2 scoops twice a day. When cutting i take 6 scoops a day to combat muscle loss since i sometimes like to do cardio twice a day on low calories.

thats exactly what im doing, my cals are a little TOO low, im doing LSD once a day and every other day HIIT, im not worried about the muscle loss right now, ill bulk it back up in a few months anyways… gym sluts are running WILD at my gym. last night there were easily 20 skanks just asking for weiner. :slight_smile: its redic tho as they are all like… 18. are you taking the bcaa at a specific time, like pre/post w/o? nm ill just read up on it later

Jesus, I really need to get back into the swing of things. I’m getting fat :frowning: I’m up to an all time high of 225

I never realized how much i enjoy the gym skanks untill i stsrted lifing over here and all i get to see are a buch of ILS(invisible lat syndrom) dudes and every once in awhile i get graced with a 5 or 6 busted ass female FTL.

I will tell you how fat you are for $40 hr. OK nyspeed discount $39.99 hr.

what gyms to you guys go to?

You don’t want to goto the one Cougarspeed goes to currently :wink:

Lots of good advice in this thread…I will have to hit you up for a eatting plan Drew.

world gym… fuck, i mean planet fitness.

it sucks, was 100x better under world gym ownership. i’ve seen beautiful disaster there a couple times, she was blowing guys behind the squat rack.

just kidding?

in hamburg??? i am there just about every night. are you the guy that is always “hangin out” in the locker room???

i kid i kid

The guy that always “coincidentally” has his nuts hanging out? Yeah thats me! Lick 'em once if you wanna start up a conversation.

But seriously I workout at the one in Williamsville on Sheridan

See you up there.

haha, she’s guilty. I was the one squatting behind the squat rack.

I workout at a 24 hour facility called the MWR Camp Taji. If you need directions just holler its only a short camel ride from downtown Baghdad. The best thing is free membership you just cant beat it.

No problem homie just let me know when you are ready for a eating plan and a lifting plan and i will hook you up.