my workout woes

well, ive been working out for a few months now since the doctors realy cant figure out whats wrong with my shoulder. They are starting to lean towards tendanitus(spelling)lol. so ive been working out and to be honest im not too sure if i wanna get big or just cut.

Im a little worried about my diet and what its gunna take to achieve my goals.
I used to weigh about 230lbs 5’8 a few years ago. I wasnt really fat but i wasnt skinny. I went on a strict diet of 2000 calories/20grams fat and lost about 50-55lbs in about a month. I totally cut out carbs. now i ended up losing more weight than i origanlly wanted and i lost alot of muscle too. So now im at 195lbs and pretty happy, but i know my current diet(eating anything i want) wont get me that cut look im looking for.

I have ok abs and my arms are decently sized, but not ripped. My chest isnt big, and thats been a problem for me for as long as i can remember. Right now im doing 95lbs (190 total) dumbells in 3sets of 10 or max. I go a little lighter for my incline and decline.

Now, what can i do to burn fat and not muscle. Im realy scared to start dieting do to what happened last time. I dont want to lose all my muscle, and unfortanetly i dont really have tons of time to work out. I can try to squeeze in running but its unlikely ill get enough in.

Sorry for the long read…


  1. i wanna get bigger but more importantly i wanna lean up and get ripped
  2. I can start to diet but dont wanna lose muscle again like in past
  3. I dont have much time/energy for running do to long work hours
  4. I feel like my current workouts got boring and arent helping anymore
  5. I feel like im fighting my bodies genetic structure and its an up hill battle

any advise would be greatly appreciated from people with good prior experience. I really dont wanna lose motivation, but unfortanetly i dont have millions like brad pitt to hire a personal trainer to get me the body im looking for.

burn fat and not muscle… do cardio.

oh and also cut your weight down and do more like 3 sets of 15.

sounds like we are the same build, cept im a little taller. i used to be about 230-240 and then lost about 60 lbs over the course of 4 months, and kept it off about a year, then the past couple months ive slipped and am back arouns 220 and just got a new membership to golds gym. so we shall see

I understand that but how much cardio is needed?? Like i said, i barely have enough time to lift let alone do cardio. What kinda cardio should i do to get me the most bang for time?? I have unlimted machines i can use. Im a member of 2 different gyms.

I just did a google for workout routines and this what poped up.

seems pretty informative. My problem is i dont have any kinda set routine. I kinda just try to fit stuff in when i can.

treadmill.There are a different types of workouts.You can warm up then go all out for a mile or 2 then cool down.Or what your supposed to do if you have the time is to warm up and try to jog 3 or 4 miles at a steady rate.This should burn more fat and make you sweat much more.Try to switch up the cardio to.Somepeople cant run for long periods of time because it hurts their joints ect.If that then try the eliptical

Oh yeah and running at certain times of the day burn more/less calories.If you wake up and then run more calories will burn since you got nothing in your system yet so it automatically burns the fat.Its a good idea to do a little cardio to get the blood flowing before you lift weights and after to cool down.
stay hydrated!!If you get dehydrated when you are working out it can effect performance about 25% of what you should be able to do when fully hydrated.

to do cardio I would need a work out buddy, It has to be the hardest thing to do as far as motivation.

untill you start getting runners high

I have a workout buddy for liftinga nd its great. I no longer have the fear of dropping heavy weights on myself or hurting myself. However he is in his bodybuilding stage and wont be cutting/leaning out until early spring. I dont wanna wait that long.

running is great advise and i have no problem except for time. it takes time to run.:frowning: and that i dont have alot of. The only time i can really run is when i get outta work at 7am and then im really tired and barely have enough in me to get up to the gym.

Just a pointer if you dont kno allready but u prob do by now. The heavier the weights and fewer reps u do , generally the bigger and stronger you will get. The more reps u do with lighter weights , the more cut, defined and toned your muscles will be. Id reccomend eating a high protien diet and lots of it and lifting heavier weights just to get to the a size where u would want to be then after you reach that then id go a little lighter on the weights and do more reps.

You get big in the gym. You get ripped in the kitchen. Eat right.

ah 3rd shift like me.

Try to wake up 30 minutes to an hour earlier and go to the gym then.Switch off every day.Cardio then weights repeat

i just got back into the gym this week. its hard to motivate myself to even go to the gym, let alone eat right. man, do i eat some bad food! unfortunately, i just dont have the time in my schedule to make healthy food choices. im NEVER hungry for breakfast in the morning, and then between school and work im always needing to eat on the run. i usually only end up eating 1 or 2 times a day, and then i usally hit the gym in the evening hours when i get done with everything else.

john, u were just telling me last week how u have nothing to do all day so u sleep, lol start running

Its hard to explain andy. When i worked days i used to eat 4-5small meals a day and watch my health. Then i would go to the gym right after work around 5-6pm. Now I go to work around 6pm-9pm depending on how much over time i have to put in, i get outta work at 7am and work out. I get home and go to sleep by 9am, wake up around 3-4pm and make myself eat dinner even though it feels like i should eat a small breakfast. Everything is just half assed backwards when you work/sleep opposite of everything natural. Im really tired of it and honestly i think if i found a daytime job again i wouldnt have these issues.

ill be your cardio buddy. seriously though i want to start biking/running. lemme know if ud be down for it

i just started last week, planning on goin all winter. gained 6lbs and leaned out…off to a good start. gota keep goin

wait till you plataeu like the rest of then it gets frustrating. Just remember to keep changing your routines up.