my workout woes

o ya im aware. its been about 2 years since i really got serious…but im pretty good about mixing it up. im just building up some meat using the equipment i have at home, then after the new year, i plan on getting pretty intense, and getting a membership somewhere (or sneak into the canisius gym). just wanted to get some decent form for florida on thanksgiving.

you just got to remember to keep it real intense, and push urself to a new level. and eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttttttt damn it. i just went out and had dinner, in about an hr, im gona eat a chicken. yes, a chicken. lol

thats good chicken is like 99.9 percent protien lol sometimes after work ill go pick up a whole rotiserie chicken from wegmans and eat it after a good lift

thats what it is…lol. theyre gooood

boston market is also very good… right off the bone

heres one thing for short time of running or elliptical its by far the best ive ever done:
its called the HIIT program, high intensity interval training

what you do is warm up for a minute at a moderate pace say 50% then go hard for 90% almost a dead sprint, slow down for 30 seconds @ 50% then 90% for 15 seconds, and keep doing this for as long as you can (if its your first week your gonna last maybe 6 minutes tops anyways)

but it keeps your metabolism up all day to keep burning the calories and is so rewarding… its amazing.

play rugby.

Every season I lose close to 20lbs.

Lots of misinformation in this thread. (Best place to go)

hit the elliptical machine great cardio

what I did back in the good ol days was I’d run a 1/4 mile before work out, hit the weights then 1/4 mile after

If you are trying to get cut steady ~2200 calorie diet, high in protien, no sugar/fat
3 days cardio 3days lifting and a day off something along those lines :tup:

sum it up then.I thought most of my info would put him on the right track.I got most of it out of a fitness magazine.

BTW i see people in this thread that give info on the subject right or wrong,but are still on the heavier side and probably couldnt even bench their body weight so be carefull with what info you take out of this thread.Try to do your own research or when your at the gym talk to someone who is in there a lot or a trainer,they should get you on the right track and give better info then anyone in this thread.

I think im gunna start by watching my diet again. Im kinda afraid though because last time i watched my diet lost way to many pounds. I didnt want to lose 55lbs in one month. I steadily lost about 10-12 lbs per week.

my diet consisted of 2000calories 20grams fat and absolutely NO BREAD. I spread all this out through about 4-5 meals per day. Like i said though, i lost alot of muscle along with fat. Im very happy at 195lbs and wish maybe to add about 5lbs more of muscle, but i know its gunna be even harder now if i start intensive cardio and diet.

I would jump on the 91crxsi diet, pizza and tons of pop everyday

he might be the most ripped person I know,

high intensity interval training for 20-30 min

eating is easy. just eat clean, easy on the starch and refined sugar, lean protien and healthy fats.

if i followed my own advice i would be fucking ripped.

wrd this site has great info

thank you for saying it.

biggest mis info is that by changing your diet you somehow lose fat along with muscle:smash2:

your body has layers, but it is not JUST layers. there are 3 types of fat that hang out in your body. adipose fat is one of them and thats what you would call a beer gut. fat on the surface your body stores in places for heat and protection. i forget what the other forms of fat are called (too lazy to google search just like you guys were obviously) and they reside in muscle tissue and around important organs heart, liver, your nads.

so you changed your diet and you lost muscle how? how did you measure it? you flexed in the mirror and you didnt look as big so you musthave lost muscle right? wrong. along with your adipose fat you are losing the fat intertwined with your muscle. YOU DO NOT LOSE MUSCLE BY CHANGING YOUR DIET YOU ONLY LOSE IT BY NOT USING IT (or sustaining major damage to the tissue)

listen to zerodaze. it is very simple stuff until you start getting specific (read as: you are a body builder or fitness competitor and need a structured diet and workout plan)

you need over 20 minutes min to do something that is considered cardio. this is a gray area for most people but i cinsider lifting a form of cardio because i take short breaks and do light weights and focus on excercises that have range of motion (my heart rate is elevated for the better part of the hour it takes me to lift). most wouldnt consider this cardio because the heart rate isnt higher than a certain percentage of your normal so if you want to go by their rules then do AT LEAST 20 min cardio with a 10 min warm up and a 10 min cool down withe the warm ups being enough to get your blood flowing and the 20 min having enough intensity to get you winded but not to the point you cant carry on a conversation (you can increase this as you get more comfortable). i do NOT reccomend treadmill unless you are confident you have strong joints. recumbant bike is great, low impact and it doesnt squash your jewels. row on a rowing machine every 3 days to switch it up if you want.

steroids. get some.

The stuff on this site has been great. I’ve been following the info for about a month and have already cut almost 1.5% body fat, although I haven’t lost any weight because I’m gaining muscle while losing fat.


im actually really needing to get into shape, im getting fat, but only in the gut area, its really strange…i have the old man beer gut without the saggy man boobs but im still average waist size and build up around my shoulders and arms. ive been getting up early for about 2 weeks now doing as many crunches and push ups i can before i go take my shower. ive been meaning to start running but i cant afford running shoes at the moment. i REALLY want a gym membership but i dont have the money for that either, probably not the time either. i also wont go to a gym without a workout buddy.

im glad this thread is here though. time to change from my see-food diet.

well, when i went on the diet i wasnt working out much. I lost alot of strength and energy. I really cant explain it. But I know for a fact i didnt have half the strength as i did when i was heavier which made it even harder to start weight training. Im sorry but ive read, and seen it too much to not think that im gunna burn a little muscle so i can burn alot of fat. You really cant burn one without the other. Now im talking about toning and light weight at higher reps.

when i was dieting i think i overdid it. My body was dropping weight so fast and it wasnt stopping. even after i took myself off the diet it continued to drop.

toning is a myth
its just low body fat. if you dont use the muscle you lose it, so if you gained size by doing 200lb benches and then drop to 120 and lots of reps you arent helping your situation. muscle burns cals, the more you have the more you burn. interval training, circuit training, and a diet low in starch/sugar. you will be beating the chics off with a stick.

well, i started my diet today!!! I KNOW for a fact that i will see very quick results probably within the next 2-3 weeks. However if i drop more than 15lbs im pullin out. I do not want to lose that much weight. Im gunna try to regulate this as much as possible.

my new goal that im going to set is 2500 calories per day and maybe 25g fat per day. opposed to my previous 2000calorie and 20g fat intake. I have again cut out ALL bread products since that is the leading cost of most of my carb intake.

Soooo, im gunna try to keep this updated and posted to try to learn something about my own body and maybe pass on some good diet tips.

I have never taken suppliments of any sort nor do I plan on either. Im doing this all natural like i always have.:tup: im kinda excited. Its been a while since ive had this kinda motivation.

Im gunna try to add in some more cardio, however im hoping that fat lose from the dieting will show huge gains.

i ate nissin cup of soup today. i suck at listening to what i say