my workout woes

you should get a whey protein should consume 1-1.5g per lb. of body weight.
If your on the run id reccomend stocking up on healthy choice microwave dinners.Low sodium,high protein.low fat

IDK, everyone i see that takes protien ends up looking fatter and fatter.

Today my wife graduated from school so she will have plenty of extra time to cook dinners.

However unfortunately everytime i diet i end up taking in enormous amounts of sodium which i understand is good for lubrication of the muscles and helps prevent cramps but my intake is still too much.

Last time i was dieting CHUNKY SOUP helped me out a TON. Most are extremely low fat at about 3-6 grams per can and only a few hundred calories. Only problem is they are loaded with sodium. Probably to help the

Im gunna try to add a couple more small meals into my day since i only eat about 2x aday right now. I wanna speed up my metabolism.

i would but i hate runnning in the cold, it kicks my lungs ass. I ran today and my lungs were burning for like 20 mins. lets all through in and get a treadmill

You have to get a good quality whey protein thats low in fat but will give you a good 21-30 grams of protein.There are only a few good kinds that are low in fat so just read every label

go to gym regularly. its like 30 bucks a month. very affordable.

eat decent. u dont need to diet, ridiculously limit certain things. just eat DECENT.

run or do another form of cardio if you can, a couple times a week.

simple. done. ova. finished.

meh, I already have a decent body. what i want is for everysingle ab muscle to be ripped and a nice chissled chest. I dont wanna be huge, but i do want a athletic looking body. Id post pictures but its not in my nature to post pictures of other mens bodies unless its zerodaze’s body. then its ok.

I just stumbled upon this thread, started reading it, and nearly puked from the amount of incorrect information my eyes have just seen, and now I am replying.

Before I even get into it I’m going to tell you two things right now.

  1. You cannot target fat loss. Your body burns fat as a WHOLE UNIT and not as individual areas (ie. when you run not just your legs burn fat).

  2. It is impossible to lose fat without losing some muscle, even with a 100% perfect diet, but with a good diet you can minimize muscle loss when cutting (this is the word which I will refer to what you will be doing).

The first thing I read from someone was that you burn more calories in the morning when you run because you have an empty stomach. Who says you only have an empty stomach in the morning? While his point could generally be true, it is a TERRIBLE idea in your case because in the morning cortisol levels are higher in the blood steam than any other time of the day. In case you don’t know, cortisol is a substance which causes muscle deterioration and exercising when its levels are high causes muscle loss (which is what you don’t want).

Your diet should be low fat (obviously) but it should also be very high in protein and kinda mild in carbs. You’re going to want to get a 1:1 ratio of grams of protein to body weight while you are doing this cut. Carbs probably .8:1. Do not completely neglect carbs though, as that is your main source and most healthy source of energy, which is still important.

You need to get on a set workout plan. I recommend a total body work out with 3 compound lifts and then 1-2 supplemental lifts to those. Rep ranges should be between 10 and 12. Anything above 12 is excessive and I will automatically label you a female who wants a nice ass who does sets of 20 reps for squats.

Compound lifts are lifts which are an entire movement and workout multiple muscle groups. Types of compound lifts are the bench press, squats, bent over rows, dead lifts, military press, incline bench press, and good mornings.

These lifts will give you the most calorie burning effects and they also work to heighten your metabolism. I stopped reading this thread after the 10th or so reply, but I’m sure there was at least a couple idiots telling you to do workout routines full of isolation lifts. Punch them in the face if you see them.

I’m not sure how many times you plan on going to the gym a week, I’m hoping at least three. You made it sound like you have very limited time so I’m going to assume three times is what you will be doing. Heres what I recommend. Pick three of those compound lifts every day you work out and do them. Don’t pick ones that work too many of the same muscle groups.

Good Example:
Doing Bench Press, Barbell Rows, and Deadlifts. Bench Press works out chest, triceps, shoulders, lats(yes bench press does more than just chest folks), barbell rows do upper back, lats, biceps, and dead lifts do legs, lower back, and traps.

Bad Example:
Doing Incline Bench Press, Military Press, Squats. Here we have the Incline Press and Military press both hitting the shoulders too hard.

Set and rep ranges for your goal should be something like 3 sets of 8-12 reps, shoot for at least 10 and have a warm up set.

In addition to your three compound lifts throw in 2 other lifts to supplement the workout. Some good supplemental lifts would be dips, pull ups, push ups, bicep curls, tricep pull downs, sit-ups. Recommend set-rep for these are 3x8-12 as well, except for situps and pushups which you might want to do to failure.

So say on days you aren’t doing barbell rows (which hit your bicpes very well) you would throw in bicep curls. Whatever you do just make sure you are hitting nearly every muscle group in your body.

Now onto the cardio. Unless you plan on throwing 1-2 cardio days (days on which you do only cardio) into your work out scheme then you will not be doing any running on the same days that you lift. The reason for this is that running is a high impact cardio which puts stress on the joints of your body and you don’t want to do intense lifts with stress already on your joints. Since it seems you have an injury, or had one already you definitely don’t want to be running on the same day as you lift. I recommend the bikes or elliptical if you want to burn the most calories for the time you put into it.

Make sure you get 48 hours in between your lifting days, since you are working out your entire body you will need longer rest periods. Also go to and make sure you are doing proper technique on your lifts to help make sure you getting the most out of your work outs, and obviously to avoid injury.

I may have left a couple of things out. Any questions just let me know.

JUICE! dont be a pussy

if you want to get bigger… Eat EAT EAT and EAT

once you get enough muscle the fat will just start melting off ya…muscle is what burns fat…

also you can stay away from shit like Coke, ice cream, and garbage food…

foods rich in protein and vitamins, and carbs and yes you do have to eat some fat… to function so… pretty much just eat until you are about the burst and be intense at the gym

and being pissed that your chest isn’t that big… genetics dictates alot… it may be a constant battle for you, but hard fucking work can reverse it

right now im taking creatine CE2 and gnc whey protein. I lift alternatingly. I will lift 2x one week (mon, thurs) and then wedn the next week. I do cardio probably 3-4 times a week (2mi) running. And i work out 5days a week.

I am still on my diet and im actually gaining weight??? Am i supposed to gain weight when dieting and takeing creatine and protien???

I have noticed positive gains so far and its only been a little over a week. Im not gunna really make an evailuation till after about a month. Im actually considering taking some sort of rip fuel or hydroxycut? is this a good idea?

in 2.5 weeks i gained 10lbs of lean muscle by eating right and working out…

still gaining…hopefully i can take this thru spring. after the new year im joining a gym, but i need to find the right one, and i need a workout buddy…

No you didn’t. That’s physically impossible, sorry.

u wana bet

ive been keeping a journal in excel…

on Oct 29 (when i started), I was at 165lbs…in my boxers…
as of Nov 17, i was 175lbs. right now, im 176lbs.

all from eating right, eating constantly, and working out properly. and im weighing in on an accurate Doctors scale…

im not saying its 100% pure muscle. i was generalizing. im saying i leaned out, im not just putting on chub. im actually leaner from when i started

Rip fuel and hydroxycut are fat burners that claim to have target cell technology which is a bunch of bullshit. All they do is increase your heart rate for extended periods of time. This will also cause you to burn more muscle.

Creatine will work against your cutting plan because in order for creatine to be effective you have to intake more water. So either you are going to look like shit from the extra water your body will be holding onto, or you aren’t drinking enough water for the creatine to even make an impact.

Bottom line: Ditch the creatine for now.

Yes I do. I’m willing to bet $2,000,000 that you didn’t put on 10lbs of muscle in two weeks (unless you took human growth hormones).

Just because you stepped on a scale two weeks later after working out and weigh 10 more pounds, doesn’t mean you put on 10 pounds of muscle. 10 pounds of muscle can take anywhere from 3 to 6 months depending on your genetics.

But since you supposively put on 10lbs. of muscle in two and a half weeks heres what I recommend:

A. you keep on doing what you’re doing and work on getting into the NFL

B. become a body builder because if you’re putting on 10 lbs of muscle every two and a half weeks, Ronnie Coleman can kiss his reign over the bodybuilding world good bye.

I signed up for Body Conditioning and Weight training next semester at GCC. You have to be at least 10% stronger to pass weight training and rop body fat/ pass a fitness test to pass body conditioning. Since I am adamant about passing school, it’s good motavation. I want to start running to get my endurance back to where it was before the surgery. Since I stpped landscaping half way threw the summer, I gained like 20 lbs and got really out of shape. All I can do as far as working out right now is with the damn blue rubber tube for PT lol.

im not too new to working out. Ive been working out for a few months now after taking a year off(SHOULDER). Im not ditching the creatine because for now its helping me get where i couldnt before. Im drinking close to if not more then a gallon of water a day. I think the 3 lbs that i gained is just water weight. Im only taking creatine for this month, then next month ill be off.

i agree with him… 10 lbs in 2.5 weeks is too fast. you probably gained lots of water weight

Alright then just understand for now as you look at your progress that 3lbs of that will come off once you come off the creatine, so you still don’t need a fat burner.

EDIT: and you will also lose some of your gains once you come off of the creatine as well.

see my edited post above…

and to add…its easier to pack on muscle when ur starting out small to start imo. at least, visable muscle. obviously the trick is keeping it going. im not stupid, i know im not gona gain 10lbs every two weeks. however, im gona do my best to prevent plateauing (word?)… ive been bigger before…just havent really got into it in the last 2 years

i plan on switching it up every 3 or so weeks.

im using creatine mono, myoplex as a MRD 2x daily, and a lot of protein/ carb/ fatty acid rich foods. drinknig mainly water, cutting out the junk, (for the most part, nobodys perfect)…kinda stopped drinkin