my workout woes

Wrong again. It’s easier to pack on more weights on your lifts(also known as ‘newbie gains’) when you start out, not actual physical muscle.

You also don’t start seeing physical results until 2-3 months after you’ve been working out. The ones that YOU personally see are caused from a high feeling in your brain stimulated by beta-endorphines. But if you take before and after pics from 2.5 weeks ago and now, nobody on here will be able to see anything(assuming both pics are taken when your muscles are cold) as they are very minimal to non-existant at this point.

How the fuck is 230lbs @ 5’8" not fat?
I’m 6’2, and 138 and I feel like a fatass…

I’m dieting as of New Years. I hope to shed 20lbs. I have a beefy frame, so anymore than that and I would be a skinny wide guy.

by 138 do you mean 238?

or is this beck?

You should landscape with me and my dad this spring on weekends. Nothing like hard physical labor to shed the lbs lol.

im just happy i got my “newbie gains” as of right now… it feels good to start getting back in shape… i know im not big yet…im just happy im making progress. i know and i didnt expect to be “big” ANY time soon. in past experience, 2 months for me is when i had noticable changes when other people would comment on my change…

just want to stay motivated to where its “fun” to keep working at it

Ok, I didn’t read each thread so if I’m repeating things I appologize(sp). First off cut out the protein, its a waste of money as any dietician or nutritionist will tell you. The majority of all americans gets more than enough protein in their regular diet, the rest you just piss away becasue your body CAN NOT STORE excess protein. Second, eat more complex carbs, your body will use it as fuel while your doing your workout, complex carbs are fruits and leafy vegetables. Chicken and fish are your best sources for protein and omega 3 fatty acids (which are good for you). Avoid red meat. Third if you wanna get cut then high endurance workouts are the key, the best ones being plyometrics. Fourth, creatine will help you get bigger, which I’m not sure if thats your goal. Also, the positive effects of creatine will disapear when you stop taking it. It has its pros and cons, but for what I think you want you might wanna reconsider taking it. Fifth, last thing guys I swear. If you wanna lose weight you need to burn more calories than your taking in. If I eat 2000 cal of fat and burn 3000 cal a day I’m losing weight. I’m not saying thats a healthy diet but losing weight is all a numbers game. I still reccomend my original diet, but the true key to losing weight is to burn more calories than you take in. If you have anymore question feel free to ask, I am an Athletic Trainer.

Also, I see shoulder injuries on a daily basis, tell me you sysmptoms and what you did and maybe I could help, also I work for an Orthopedic who specializes in knees and shoulders so if you wanna second opinion I can give you his number.

aint that the truth…

everything else is pretty basic stuff too…but good writeup…

i took a semester of Nutrition in college…lots of very good information. however… imo a good MRD i think is important, BECUASE, for those trying to pack on muscle, its VERY hard to get in as many high quality calories and nutrients as one would need in a day, for obvious reasons (work, lasck of time, money)

also, that excess protein that the body cant store turns to fat


I have fat fingers…

I just have to cut back on consumption, I eat way too much.
Like 3/4 of a pizza, 1/2 a lasagna, and 1/2 a b-day cake this weekend… I mean, yesterday. :frowning: