My little success story

Im really proud…

The third week of Aug, I was 257 with a 42" waist. Lost most of my muscle mass, and my cardio went to shit. I was lucky to have been able to COMPLETE my PT run let alone get a good time. I was eating fast food all the time and just not feeling working out. Military had me on Percocets and Gabapentin like it was candy because of my shoulder injury. I did NOTHING.

I took my PT test on Fri and weighed in at 236 with a 36.5" waist. Cranked out 72 situps in a minute, and due to my shoulder still in constant pain, was only able to get 59 pushups in a min. Ran my mile n half in 10:07. Yesterday at the gym, I was curling 75 lb dumbbells for reps and shoulder pressing 235.

Im getting back to where I was when I was playing hockey all the time, and fighting. So looking forward to keep going after I passed the rough part.

People gripe and bitch about sleep problems, knee and joint pain cause theyre over weight and try taking every medication out there to band aid it, even going as far as getting your stomach shrunk. Just change your lifestyle. I know there are people out there that really do have problems and dont have any other options but extreme measures like that, but most ive talked to just dont try.

All I did to get to where im at now was cut out all shitty fast food. Ill admit ill get some taco bell every now and then, but its only grilled chicken without all that beans shit. Ive cut out ALL pop, and just sticking to water, and low carb red bulls. I also havent been running that much, I usually go swimming or hit the eliptical for 30-45 a day, and most of the time, im not REALLY pushing myself. If I really watched what I ate, it would be even easier to lose.

I stopped taking the meds for pain, except for a perc every now and then for when its unbearable. Gabapentin was the hardest to come off of since its a neurontin, it SERIOUSLY messed with my head to the point to where I had suicidal thoughts. Ive never been like that, but that shit put it in my head. I was just tired of being a zombie and not feeling good about anything.

I still have a long way to go, and posting this on a NY auto forum, when im from Pittsburgh and living in Alaska now isnt for anything other than just to share. We have a lot of threads about working out, and doing better for themselves, I just thought it would be good to show that just a couple tweaks can actually get you huge gains.

Good for you man. i need to loose some weight, im 6’2" and 215, sounds kinda normal but i have a beer belly and some tits. i need to stop drinking and eating so much. My wife is pregnant and I have been cooking crazy meals everyday for her. I know when the baby comes I will quit drinking and gaming but i hope to have the Brad Pitt body by next summer,lol.

Nice job man. I’m having a hard enough time staying in shape myself since I stopped playing hockey a couple years ago and got a job. Where did you play hockey?

Woot congrats man! PS I took care of that business we talked about. Thanks for the confidence.

a congrats is in order for sure… but i also feel a bit of a… “well duuuhh”

never even heard of Gabapentin.

Agreed too that people just need to get into shape to get rid of a lot of pains and aches. When i get really out of it i get terrible back pain.

Cutting our fast food and pop cut about 8lbs for me but i just can’t keep it up long term… damn red bull tastin soo good.

Also, you think it’s tough when you’re on meds… try having 2 kids and an office gig that involves entertaining clients…

Nice job dude! Way to take the initaitive and stick to it.

Big ups dude, makes me hopeful for our culture which demands instant results, to see people take responsibility instead of lapsing into self pity and as you said, trying to band-aid it with meds. Keep it up.

Nice. I could talk about me and my situation of getting fat and old but this thread is about you. Nice job!


edit: that tup is a lot bigger than i expected lol

I played in PA, through the east coast, in Denver, and down in San Antonio. Im up in AK right now, and theres some badass skaters up here

Good deal man! hope it all works out well for you. You made the right choice.

As for everyone else, thanks! It was actually pretty easy. It just hit me one time that I had to change and I just stopped eating like shit and started gradually working out. I work at a desk all day so I feel that pain that some people have. It was kinda hard at the end of Sept cause I was fighting off a major cold that kept me immobile for a while, and we were working fiscal year closeout, (5 am-10 pm and later at times) and people were always bringing us food in cause we were working the hours, and it wasnt good for you food either lol.

I ate mcdonalds just cause it was close a couple weeks ago and wanted to throw up. I literally felt like dog shit, and wondered why i ever liked eating it in the first place. Then proceeded to shit myself for 8 hours the next day lol…

Are you talking professional or just organized men’s leagues?

edit- Oh and I know there’s some good talent up there. I know a defenseman on the Aces in the ECHL.

congrats, keep it up.

soda and fast food are the worst thing you can do, period. If you watch what you eat, even IF you are lazy, you can avoid becoming a fatty.

oh, and if anyone hasn’t seen this, i watched it the other week and it was pretty damn good/gross/gross…gross.


I am still going strong at 60 lbs lost in 118 or so days into my plan. Granted I started at a higher weight. But I agree it has given me more energy and just feeling good.
I also cut out the fast food, but I couldn’t cut pop out so I made the switch to Pepsi Max, which actually has more caffine in it.

:tup: to you…you should be proud for what you are doing.

Good job man and 59 pushups in a min. is very impressive!!! Buddy of mine just went from 358-290’s by eating two subs a day and just water. Yes they were from Subway as well but it worked.

I have found Subway to be a great replacement to fast food.
Granted there is still stuff that is not great for you there, but a lot more healthier options.

I agree. My job has me eat out a lot on the road or airports and subway is always great as an alternative to Wendys or McDonalds when I can’t bring my own food.

Keep up the hard work :tup: