Any investors in the house?

I’ve been doing some reading about stocks and the like and I’ve got a few questions that I wouldn’t mind sitting down with someone about. I’m looking at making some investments that I can cash in on in approx 7-8yrs when it’s home buying time. That’s why I figure stock market and mutual funds, probably 80%/20%, respectively, of what I decide to invest. I have an emergency fund, and I’ll start an IRA once I get into more of a career setting.

I’ll be using part of my bonus check from work, which comes in mid-may. I don’t want to blow it all incase something goes wrong, so I’m thinking a “safe” start is investing $1000, fees will be paid seperately, so I’ll actually invest 1K.

And before anyone says anything, by home-buying I don’t expect 1k to turn into 50k in 7yrs to buy a house, I meant as helping with a down-payment.


if you’re only starting with around 1k your best bet is to go all mutual funds. There’s no chance of possibly having anything close to a diversified portfolio with that much, so you’re putting yourself at a lot of unnecessary risk. Unless you want to go for the home run and put it all in around 2 stocks, but you could lose most of it really quick.