Any LOST fans out there? SPOILERS INSIDE!! Official Thread

I just started watching the 1st season of LOST and now I downloaded the 5 episodes of season 2. This show rocks and it’s fucked up at the same time!! Who else is watching this show?

lol…i love this show…

been watching it since day one…

NEW EPISODE TOMORROW…hasn’t been on in 3 weeks…i’ve missed it oh so much

All of season 2 is on my Tivo including the season 1 recap, I should watch it. Don’t need to get sucked in to something with no answers, I’ll just keep watching the season finale’s :stuck_out_tongue:

I think all Bills fans are LOST.


I’ve been meaning to get into it… is it something I can just jump into?

ya i love this show too. im glad that this week we finally get a new episode :slight_smile:


I’m not kool enough to watch this show

it is like a 2000 Gilligan’s Island! i like the show but come on already!

They can milk this shit for seasons upon seasons… Here are the things that I want to know and want to point out.

  1. WTF are the smoke monsters that knock down trees and almost sucked Locke down a hole?
  2. Just what is the deal with the “others”?
  3. WTF is the deal with hitting a button every 108 minutes?
  4. WTF is the deal with the goddamn numbers!!?

One thing I did notice in Season 2…

When Michael and Sawyer are on what’s left of the raft, the shark that swims around has a tattoo of the research facility on it minus the swan.

I am betting the whole Island was put together by this company as a big experiment of life that went wrong.

the others were wearing normal clothes… wierdd…

best show on TV. I’ve watched it since day 1 and haven’t missed an episode yet.

i caught an episode or two…and i dunno, it looked OK but it’s not something that i wanna dedicate every wednesday night to…if anything, big shotz is my wednesday night…but as can clearly be seen in my thread about zapping myself with school…i’m no longer allowed to have any routines that involve any joy or pleasure

the numbers are supposed to be bad luck where ever u see them i guess…

they just stopped with those monsters after season 1…lol…they were a big thing…then they just vanished…but i’m sure they will bring them back

the button every 108 min. pisses me off…i wanna know what happens and what the deal with that is also…

as for the numbers…it all started with hurley winning the lotto…cause those were the winning numbers…and ever since then…it seems that everywhere u see those numbers…it’s not a good thing

Those numbers were heard way before he won the lotto though which leads me to believe 1 of 2 things…

  1. He was destined to be on that island.
  2. Those numbers are cursed for whatever reason.

hmmm…when were the #'s heard before the lotto…

i don’t remember??

him winning the loto was a flashback… which i think was the first time we actually found out that the numbers were bad… cus thats when everything went shitty for him in his life… wanent there somethig about a phyc ward and the guy next to him just kept repaeating the numbers…

i think its the goverment expermient…

do a search on mk ultra (its the same shit thats in diet coke :lol:)

see…that’s what i thought…

the mods are all flustered from the WTF thread… its ok ruby, we still love you


What I meant was, he heard the numbers when he was in the psych ward… I am talking chronological time, not when you hear about them in the show. The dood in the mental ward heard them first and he passed them on to Hurley who then played them…