
Any lost fans here?

I just finished watching season’s 1,2 & 3 and hopeing for a 4th!!!

LOST is the best show ever!

I can’t wait for LOST s4

As much as others say it turned shit as years went by I still liked it (maybe cuz i’m a fan of Survivor - having watched every year :hsugh: )

Or as some others may say, it was shit to begin with :stuck_out_tongue:

Naw, I liked all three seasons. I thought it was quality TV!

great show. supposedly it’s going to been on until 2010. but then again that’s just rumours

When does season 4 start?

Feb 2008

31st baby! only 2 and a bit weeks away… i got all 3 box sets at christmas and i watched the first 2 so fast that now im trying to space the 3rd one out… only have a disc and a half left though

welcome to the family brock :smiley:

haha nice, is it actually airing on the 31st? Isn’t the WGA strike going to affect this?


there are about 6-8 eps already filmed. im not positive. so unfortunatly another wait. which was why the season is starting in january 31st at 10pm which is a thursday aside from its regular wednesday time slot to avoid american idol (gasp for air) originally. and where is the old lost thread we used to have running weekly? somebody dig it up and bring it back to life!

there will only be 8 episodes this season. starts the 31st and runs on thursdays primetime spot now. no breaks or anything. WGA strike is not going to effect lost.

www.find815.com :wink:

writer’s strike does effect lost. there is only gonna be 8 episodes this season.

my bad it does…but what I meant to say without even hitting it, is that they only want a certain amount of episodes for the entire series and I am pretty sure they were only going to make 11 episodes this season anyways without the strike.

i think it was supposed to be a regular 22 episode season. just all airing in january. stupid writer’s its the only show I really watch!

I just received Lost Season 3 on Blu Ray in the mail toady! :smiley: Time to re-watch all the episodes in HD.

Waaaaaaa! I’m coming over, I’ll bring the beer!

i just finished season 3. mmmm cant wait for the 31st

what did you guys think of the episode?

i personally think it was cool…i think it’s going to be a good season