and im seriuos.
this show rocks!
i dont know where the plot is going… .it could go a few ways.
and im seriuos.
this show rocks!
i dont know where the plot is going… .it could go a few ways.
Unrelated…but I miss the show Oz a lot!
lost sucks testicles
lols… oz was the shizzel.
adabese was awesome. lol
but lost :tup:
ur an idiot…LOL
i don’t watch 24…but lost is the hotTtness
lost is fkn awesome. its the only show ive ever seen that im pissed that the hour is over
Lost sucks
Prision Break is where its at
prison break = 24 > lost
And yes, I watch all 3 shows.
nothing is better than 24
btw what ended up being in the hatch…i missed it tonite…
some guy with a huge computer mainframe system
okay, after watching the first ep of s02, i would like to change my comparison:
lost = prison break = 24
non stop drama!!
Lost is good, cant miss a show though or you are lost.
Ive been watching ROME on HBO. Kinda iffy on it but some how I still end up watching it everyweek. Plus tons of naked chicks and awsome fights.
Also CSI vagas/miami>*
Lost was great last night I missed the first 15 minutes and have no idea who that dude is in the hatch. But seriously how long can this show last maybe 1 or 2 more seasons at most. You can’t be lost forever. one island can only have so many secrets.
24 is a show about one day.
i was talkign to adam (sureshot) about this same thing…wondering how long they can actually go with this show…he basically knows what the deal is and knows what will happen next season…
i will let him chime in with his predictions…LOL
i was telling aaron last night, the 3rd season is moved back to australia but a new search is underway and all the lost castmates are reunited… but for what… i will not tell
how do you know?
hit me up on pms = +1
and double BWHAHAHAHAHAHAH for jon being all into it
24 > all (they played all of last season back to back a few weeks ago… dvr rocks :tup: )
I’ve seen a few eppisodes of lost but I havent seen all of them so pretty clueless as to whats going on. I would d/l them but bit torrent isnt working for me for some reason tells me “cant connect to server” or something along them lines.
Prison break is good too :tup: real good show