Any LOST fans out there? SPOILERS INSIDE!! Official Thread

KrazyisHoT: word
VIETNOW2K4: man matt is a huge conspiracy theorist
VIETNOW2K4: he is like mel gibson
KrazyisHoT: hahahaha
KrazyisHoT: post that

never… its not out yet… and i will prove it when the sha-1 changes on that file

bah…waiting 22 days is dumb…stupid fake sites making me wonder more and more…

back to lost…

just so everybody knows…adam knows what will happen once they get off the island…

it has to do with “keys”

stay tuned :slight_smile:

LOLOL…adam is holding out on jon :snky:

BTW, 4+8+15+16+23+42 = 108

108 * 5 = 540

and 0 + 1 = 2


jon made me giggle at work…TEE HEE HEE

Krazyjon + punch in his face = Happy RuBiCaNT

Do you giggle like that when I say, “titmouse”?

HAHAHAHAHA… good times

i seriously just did though…:lol:


5 min nerds

what kind of shitty “extended episode” is that. 5 minutes!?!?!

i missed it… someone send me a link… ** couch sureshot or ruby red please ****

lol…jon missed it…SUCKERRRRR


fuck chino

fuck his house and his POS digicable

we are watching it after DVRing it so we could skip the commercials… well

every five fucking minutes the show would freeze up or the sound would cut out. so i basically didnt see anything. im going to have to download it tomorrow or somethig and find out what happened

the only thing i saw that meant anything was the dharma symbol in a different bunker, had an arrow in it. i didnt get a chance to look at the pattern around it to see if it was the same as the swan



send me the link after you find it :holla:

probably wont be up on torrent sites till tomorrow, ill have to check in the morning. i was trying to figure out if they re-air the shows at like 3am, and id get a copy of it that way… but :tdown:

yea…it won’t be up till either late tonight or tomorrow on torrent sites