Any nurses/medical staff in the house??

So I’m 20 and have no clue what career I want. Not that I’m really feel pressured right now, but it’d be nice to be able to go to school for something I want to do, and get out of this dead end job I have now to start a career. I want something that won’t be hard for me to find a job straight out of college, I’m not a competitive person and would get eaten up in a job interview with tons of other applicants. I’ve been thinking about the nursing field, taking the 2 year Associates and starting out in a smaller/medium sized hospital. My only concern, which is pretty big is that I get queezy (sp?) around serious open wounds and whatnot. Is this something one “gets used to”? I know I got over my fear of heights by painting exterior, climbing ladders and whatnot, but is this something I can get over? Does anyone know anyone, or they themselves had any experience with this?

Thanks, Ryan.

Nursing degree (at least from NCCC) is pretty challenging. Of course, their passing rate on the boards trumps UB’s, so they are doing something right.

I’m not sure, but I think Will-(Willybeen) might be able to point you in the right direction.

You get completely desensitized to blood, guts, blah blah. I am an EMT. I see all sorts of fucked up shit. Doesn’t bother me in the least. I would say take the EMT basic corse and try that out. If you like it. go for it. It will give you prior knowlage of the medical field and help alot if you go for a nursing degree.

I am not a Nurse but my mother is. From listening to her I sort of regret not goin to school for nursing. She works for hospice now as a Case manager. Being a nurse is not an easy task. There are plenty of Nursing jobs out there. She said I could have gotten a job the day I graduated. What I suggest is taking some classes that are geared toward nursing and see how you like it.

whoa, i think


i think JEG just had a bit of good insight there. that’s what i’d do if i were you, take a course in it, see if you can deal :slight_smile:

WTF, that never happens, im scared.

that’s what I think I needed to hear. could you point me in the right direction for the emt basic course? i’d love to see if this is something I can do or not. thanks a ton!

what types of duties do new nurses have to do? i know drawing blood is big, but what else?

the title of this thread made me laugh. i was expecting to open it up and read something to the effect of: “uhh, i was working on my car, and just sliced my arm apart with a screwdriver and its spewing blood everywhere, what should i do?”

lol, i thought about making the thread preview something along the lines of

“i was masturbating last night and noticed this huge cyst”

dude said something HILARIOUS earlier today, too:

:tup: josh