I Passed - official RN in the hOuse-

Hey i just got back my Registered Nursing exam results, and I passed,
so I am offically a RN

finally I can say Im officially done, and i Passed

damn this was one crazy exam, 7hrs long, sucked so bad too

but now im done!! wooo

Congrats. Couple more years and i can look forward to that exam. :frowning:

hey congrats M :smiley:

Helloooooooooooooo Nurse

Way to go! Congratulations.

i think im sick, come take care of me, i cant feel my feet, can you rub them to get the circulation going? 8)

and… hahahah @ marc

Why hahaha@marc?

I think he thought you were going to get M to examine you? I don’t know. Besides I already have mine scheduled :wink:

Anyway congrats M :slight_smile:

I think he thought you were being sarcastic Marc.

Yeah, i was hoping Mercedeh could give me a free prostate exam. :roll: :stuck_out_tongue:

lol@you guys!! =]

i’ve had no life for past 3yrs all i did was work and go to school and now its all payed off.

Marc sowwy no rectal exam (that is for the Doc to do)… however I will take ur blood pressure and give you some Needles and IV’s only if you can hook me up with an RB engine 8) (THIS GOES FOR ALL YOU GUYS)

favour for a favour :wink:

Update: I was also offered a RN position @ Homewood Health center in Guelph on the Addictions unit.

wooo!! soo exciting I’ll be starting July 20th

time to make some serious $$ 8)

:smiley: congrats again then!

Hey M congratulations on the RN. Can you hook me up with some Morphine? To get rid of my sorrows?

^^NO dice… Only if i was a doc id hook u up :slight_smile:

homewood = ghey

i see some wack-ass weirdo’s stumbling out of that place…lol

prolly good to work at though.

nurses make serious $$$

you’ll be turbocharged in no time, that’ll be sick.

a friggin RN with a turbo charged Sil80…hahhaha

I did my co-op there and it was awesome,
yeah i can’t wait till i get some $$$