741.15 later, my arms are sore


And I forgot to include my lab kit. Oh dear.

wanna buy mine too?

ouch, well at least when your done it will pay off, right?

Very much so. These will last me two years, mostly. The only other books in that two years will be extra courses (i.e. abnormal psych).

crazy son. College cost alot of money.

I spent an hour and a half @ ECC today in Financial Aid for them to tell me I make too much money. So I started flipping out about the escalades in the parking lot, and how honest people are always getting screwed, and why should I be punished for having a job and working hard for what i have… they were kinda shocked that I was saying all this crap, but they all agreed. then i left all upset and threw a family of 4 down the stairs.

ok, maybe there was only 3 of the,m

I know how ya feel about the books. I am in the paramedic program at ECC south. Just spent like 600 bucks on books. Kick in the face, yummy!

dude if you are going to brag about how much you spent on books, fine. But don’t post pics of nursing books…Fooker.

yeah books cost way too much, I remember those days :lol:

You know what’s nice about not getting financial aid?

Not having to wait with Chaniqua and her latin lover Estefan, or Becky-Sue and her 3 kids, or Antatolli and his BO, or Jimmy Bob and his straw hat in that horrible line. Honestly you’d think it were a line at Auschwitz. It just keeps going and going and going. I didn’t even have to wait. There were two nice ladies waiting for those of us that make money. By that time Becky-Sue is on to having her 4th kid with Anatolli and Jimmy Bob has arranged the pens as though it were corn in a crop circle. And Chaniqua and Estefan are sitting down, and he’s complaining about how hot it is because he wore a freakin poncho. And she’s like oh Eeeeestefan you are my lowever I want to have your babies, and Becky Sue is like OMG BABIES I can’t have enough they give me free eggs, concentrated juice, cheese, and milk! MORE MORE MORE! And then you have to feel bad because the majority of people are just “regular” in that line and they just don’t have enough money, but they look like they’re trying to better themselves. It’s sad, that line. That line makes me cry sometimes.

Wait, what do you do for a living exactly?

I work with nurses… some of which are making 80k… and most of which are 60k plus starting pay.

Some of them are hot too.

“That is crazy.” and “costs” (still sentence fragments, but we’ll save that for senior year)
and um werd.

mmmm hot female nurses

crazy son - native American name given to son of Chief Crazy Talk.
College cost alot of money. - They are trying to teach ebonics in schools now, calling it “tolerance”. If that happens I think there will be more school shootings, but only by concerned parents who do not want their kids speaking in ghetto fashion.

i didnt even look into seeing how much books are gonna cost me this semester

i bet theres boobie pictures in them there anatomy books. sweet.

haha i don’t have to spend money on any books this semester :slight_smile:


We don’t talk much anymore, do we? :violin:

ya’ know girlie stuff like Mechanical Engineering.