Any nutrition people here still? Teach me how to eat.

I remember there was an older thread about this.

Basically, I need to learn how to eat and start to ball park how many calories I should be eating. I started CrossFit about 6 months ago and has changed my life with my activity going from someone who was mostly a couch potato, lazy, and over weight to someone who is going 4-5 days a week to the gym and focusing on health.

I signed up for 95nutrition as a meal prep service and have been doing their meals. Love the food and have been doing the multiple meals a day but just trying to see what I am missing and should be doing for people who have an activity level and fill in where I am with the target of weight loss.

8:00 Wake up
8:30 Protein shake - 100% whey protein and milk
9:30 Apple/Banana
11:15 Meal 1 - ~500 calories, 15g fat, 35g protein, 35g carbs
13:00 Apple/Banana
14:00 Meal 2 - ~500 calories, 15g fat, 35g protein, 35g carbs
16:30 Meal 3 - ~500 calories, 15g fat, 35g protien, 35g carbs
18:30 CrossFit
20:00 Apple/Banana
Supplements I have been taking Zinc/Magnesium/B6 from PurePharma and a basic fish oil night.

Total floats around 2000 calories. I occasionally go out for beer that fills in some empty calories but just trying to get some feedback.

What are your goals though? Lose 5 lbs or 50? I lost 55 lbs last year on diet alone.

I’d look into ketegenic diets and intermediate fasting. You could probably skip the apply/banana/protein shake and lower each meals carbs to 5-10g (balance with with right macro balance) and lose a lot of weight. Fasting between dinner and lunch gives your body 12 hours to digest and ~6 more to use internal energy stores (ie: fat).

check out the links on the right side bar

basically you train your body to look for internal fat for energy instead of sugar/carbs.

Don’t trust anything I just said though, do your own research and convince yourself of the science.

Weight loss is the goal. Was 275 when I started 6 months ago. Dropped to 240 in about 3 months and have been floating around there. Being semi active now want to make sure I am not struggling by depriving myself of any nutrients and also not eating a diet that will help prevent me from fat burn.

I’m not an expert by any means, but have lost 90+ lbs over the past couple years.

  • Seems like there’s a lot of sugar there… Fruits have a lot as you know…
  • Drinking beer has a ton of carbs and calories, and will screw me up for a week but everyone’s different.
  • Myfitnesspal is very helpful tracking what you are actually eating vs guessing, and there is a lot of info / help on there as well if you go to the website.

I’ve been eating a ketogenic diet for 5 months as of now, and can testify it both works for weight loss, and I feel amazing.

As long as you are patient, and consistent the weight will come off.

I lost 60 pounds no sweat doing a keto diet.

20 net carbs or less per day. No beer, no booze, no sugar.

Half your body weight in Ounces of water. I carry around a gallon jug per day and that usually does it.

Vitamin B (multi) and multi vitamin every day.

Your diet has over 100 carbs in it per day, and lots of sugar.

Also switch the whey out for Isolate whey, and mix it with non sweetened almond milk (shake will have 2 net carbs).

I also fast from like 8pm to 1pm daily (not counting the shake and BPC).

My daily meals look like this.

Bulletproof coffee, isolate whey shake (non sweet almond milk)

Julianne Salad with cheese, ham, turkey, veggies, and full fat dressing.

Grilled meat and bag of frozen vegtables

Pepperoni and cheese, or more protein shakes.

Went from 260 to 200, now I am hovering around 210-211, and feel that is close to my ideal weight, even though my goal is 208.

I am 6’5’’

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Also I make up a pound of bacon and find a way to get some bacon into my diet almost every day. Also make a few fried eggs, or omelets, or poached eggs.

Holy shit way more keto responses than I expected.

I guess there’s your answer. Haha.

The toughest part is sticking to the diet, especially when eating out. And then with intermediate fasting it’s hard to realize you won’t die from being hungry.

My fitness pal helps a lot in the beginning to know how much you should be eating to meet your macros. You can enter exact recipes and divide it by servings so that’s cool.

Keto brownies. Amazing with peanut butter and whipped cream.

It also is imperative to get your s/o on board. They don’t have to do the diet but at least understand what you are doing.

Give it 4 months of strict keto and you’ll be amazed at the results.

Which crossfit gym are you at? Sometimes they have coaches who also offer nutrition coaching.

I am at Harborside and push paleo which I like the idea behind but never can keep to it. My focus with the ability to use a meal plan service since that is something I can keep, have ready to go every morning, and have a better chance of sticking to it. So far its been 3 weeks on the 95 Nutrition plan and has been good so just trying to tweak that a bit if I can and make sure I am eating enough since when I was sedentary, it was more just eating what I needed and now I am throwing regular exercise into it.

If you ever want to train with me you’re welcome to join me at my gym. Last year at my peak training for Mr. Buffalo (which I didn’t end up competing in cause of GAY work), I was down to 6% body fat, and I have pictures to prove it. I’ll write out a nutrition plan for you that you can just have idc. I used myfitness pal to track nutrition, but eventually I got so used to eating the way I was that I just memorized it and didn’t need the app anymore.

There’s no secret to losing weight. Eat healthy food with no sugar and no salt, it sucks balls. Guaranteed between this and an hour of exercise a day you’ll lose 30-50 pounds in a month. I went from 181 to 145 in 40 days using the diet I was taught when I signed up at Jada Blitz years ago, still use it today (just not as extreme).

I’ve been keto for a year. Lost a ton of weight. But stalled for three months. Using HIIT and lifting to try to bust through it, 2000-2500cals using MFP and no luck. Getting really bummed out about it. You keto guys encounter this? How did you break through?

yea, same. Since I didn’t want to work out I decided to get lazy and do a carb experiment. Been eating whatever I want. Some mid-day carb-based snacks, larger portions. No sugar drinks or morning meal though. I didn’t really gain any weight for a few months which was surprising. Been +5-8 lbs for the past few months though. Mostly attributed to Angry Orchard. Once my life settles down in a couple months I’ll get back at it. really trying to stay under 190 though. lol

I’m going ape shit with lifting and IF and I’ll see what happens. I’ve been using MCT oil too as a supplement. We have another baby appearing in June and I know I’ll be whaling out after that

You guys doing keto, are you cycling carbs back in at all? When I do keto with no weekend carb-up I run flat & cramp after about 2 weeks. The weekly CKD carb-up helps me flush toxins and re-hydrate as needed. I’ve had excellent results with CKD, bland and boring as F though.

I’ve been on again off again low carb for a few years, but recently started going at it full swing about 3 weeks ago since we have our wedding in September. I’m down 14 pounds now and still have another 15 pounds I’d like to see gone by then.

Fritattas in the morning with plenty of kale and spinach and cheese mixed in, chicken and veggie for lunches and the insert meat here with veggies for dinner. No sugar, no alcohol (especially beer) and only one cheat day a week. I’m around 25-30 grams of carbs a day this way.

The struggle is real but it’s a lifestyle change, not just a diet.

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Oh, and I cut coffee out of my diet. It made me bloated and gave me heartburn so I switched to English breakfast tea with lemon and honestly it’s so much better. Plus the warm tea and lemon is supposed to help with digestion.

I did strict keto for 5-6 months and didn’t have any cramps or negative effects. Perhaps you are just dehydrated? The initial weight loss of keto is water weight so it’s super important to drink a lot of water. After a few weeks your body adjusts so I suggest holding out for longer before convincing yourself you need carbs.

I did about a month straight, just didn’t feel right and I was cramping/workouts suffered. Rolled onto CKD and it was a perfect blend of refueling and ketosis. Everybody is different I suppose, like I can eat 50g of carbs per day and still be in ketosis where some need sub 20g. Low carb is a diuretic diet by nature, dehydration is probably very common. I’m sure it was my issue, what seems to have worked for me was slamming those cookies on the weekend. Kept me sane as well. LOL

I quit coffee about a month and a half ago. Probably the hardest thing ever. Was drinking two or three XLs even it was just black coffee, needed to stop. The first two weeks was death. Once the summer kicks off, I think I am going to get back into just normal black tea but drink one in the afternoon at lunch and keep it to the small 8-10oz.

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Keto is good, but if you don’t want to lose performance than try RP. ^

Carbs are not bad as long as you time them around your workouts.

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