Any nutritionists here?


If you’re a medium build and just looking for more definition then you need a proper diet and very disciplined workout schedule


about 2 months in, started at 182, now 166, lift 3 times a week. First month was bulking, about a 3K calorie diet a day, consisting of 45/35/20 percent of protien/carb/fat. I lost weight and gained moderate muscle mass for the time spent.

Month two was continue lifting, about twice a week, and jogging 5-7 miles a week ( about 2 miles, 3x a week), with the same diet. This is where most of the weight so far came off (10ish)

This month I’d like to cut to define a shape. If you’d like, I posted progress pics(haven’t updated for about 2 weeks) on my myspace.

I think I have diet/exercise down pretty good for my standing, but should there be any drawbacks, health wise, for maintaining low glycogen levels over a period of say, 3-4 weeks, that’s what I’m looking to find out.