Any nutritionists here?

how are you getting 3k cals with such a low fat intake?


the carbs man has been eating for last 50 or so years are not the same. you not knowing this lets me call you the fucking idiot.
wet unprocessed carbs = good
refined and processed carbs = bad

there are also a lot of people with gluten allergies. this is because we were never meant to eat the shit we have been eating for the last few generations.
evolution doesn’t happen that quickly… man lived on meat and berries for a long time before he figured out how to make bread.

my sig is meant for people like you


let me add even a touch more on the subject.

everyone is different, or we would all be celiacs. your body will function just fine without carbs, unless you are a diabetic. then you will probably die, but you would have died in the past anyways (had it not been for modern meds). so you really don’t count. you probably shouldn’t even be aloud to vote. :slight_smile:

your body will use fat just as it has for a long ass time (however long we have been on this planet) for energy, just like other mammals.
do a google search and you will find all sorts of studies that have found a low starch/sugar/refined crap diet is healthy. oh wait… eating protein, healthy fats, and high fiber foods is good for you?!~!!!1 what will these crazy doctors say next?

oh, and then you will find a bunch of reports that say you NEED your complex carbs. take a look and see you did/funded the studies