Any nutritionists here?


carbs are necessary for good nutrition and anyone that says otherwise is a fucking idiot.

Man has been living on bread, water, and milk for centuries… now all of a sudden bread has carbs and is “bad”. These people need to be punched in the face.

that aside it seems like you are on the right track. MODERATION is the key… not elimin ating things completely.


the carbs man has been eating for last 50 or so years are not the same. you not knowing this lets me call you the fucking idiot.
wet unprocessed carbs = good
refined and processed carbs = bad

there are also a lot of people with gluten allergies. this is because we were never meant to eat the shit we have been eating for the last few generations.
evolution doesn’t happen that quickly… man lived on meat and berries for a long time before he figured out how to make bread.

my sig is meant for people like you