I decided to not have a life anymore and bought WOW today. I’ll be on Burning Blade w/ two of my friends that play. Post your names here if you do. I’m still installing and don’t have a char yet.
whats WOW
World of Warcraft. Over 3 million people world wide have chosen to never get laid again by playing this game.
and you bought this game why?
don’t do it man!!! i lost to many friends to WOW
on a side note I love it but if i go back to playing video games, odds r il probably not do my HW, fail in school which means FAIL LIFE
If ur crazy like me take a week off work, buy a weeks supply of food and move the microwave and fridge to ur room and LVL HARDCORE!!!
Oh yeah ur to old for video games… Noob! jk
Antonio just throw that piece of shit out
im sorry but i wanted to find this funny video of WOW to give people an idea of what it is, but what do u know.
these “WOW” people seem to be very creative on there free time… *sigh
Mature themes i guess
well if u play wow this video is true

Didn’t you read the description? I bought it so that I can lead a sheltered life, get fat, and never see vagina again
Srsly thou, it’s pretty fun. I’m a lvl 9 Warlock now. Ingame name is Hachiko, so msg me if you’re playing, I’ll take any free loot you want to give me, but will offer nothing in exchange.
I’m a level 89 Mage Warrior.
Seriously Antonnio, what the fuck is wrong with you? I just lost all respect to you. If you put on the Armor of Gondor in WOW, you will -1 to your SON respect.
I’m thinking class action lawsuit. Seriously I watch ppl play this and there is no action it is a life killer. Driving sims, RPG and FPS for me thanks.
If you can be as cool as the southpark kids then MAYBE I will give you some credit
Otherwise, I vote for a temp ban for being this lame on a car board j/k!
I vote to ban solarian.
Ant, don’t do it. I played for 8 month’s, quit and never looked back.
Well, it’s not a matter of choice after you pay 50 bucks for the game which includes 30 days of play I’m the type of person that will eat the nastiest meal ever if they’ve paid for it. I refuse to let even a cent go to waste.
Good way to teach yourself money management btw Rather than discarding stupid shit you’ve bought, punish yourself by using it to get the money’s worth. You’ll loathe the experience and you’ll think twice before randomly purchasing something again.
i got to level 56 and i was enoguh i need a life… way to much time on the pc. and when u get invited into a clan man people talk mad weird like they actually the characters i got kicked out of a few for swearing hahaha. im like what nah fuck you. to weird for me…
do it!
Your nickname would finally have some meaning…
Aye, what server were you on?